An app that watches when a repository is created for a user and notifies on console. The app retains it state even after restarts using Bolt DB.
It exposes the number if user repositories in a prometheus metrics endpoint (/metrics
) on port 8080
go build
chmod +x github-repo-watcher
Before running it keep in mind that the following parameters can be changed:
# Name or org that should be monitored
# Seconds between each collection (the GitHub API can get rate limitted quite fast)
# Directory of db data
export GITHUB_USERNAME=<user>
export DB_PATH=/tmp/db
Deploying with docker
docker build -t github-repo-watcher .
docker run -e GITHUB_USERNAME=<user> -e CHECK_INTERVAL=300 -e DB_PATH=/tmp/db -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/db/:/tmp/db github-repo-watcher
Deploying the chart
helm install my-deploy chart/
Deploying locally for testing (using kind)
kind create cluster --config kind.yaml
kind load docker-image github-repo-watcher
helm install my-deploy chart/ -f chart/values.local.yaml
kubectl port-forward pod/<pod-name> 8080:8080 &
kubectl logs -f <pod-name>
- Helm chart
- Option for using authenticated calls in GitHub (to not be rate limitted immediatelly)
- Watch for deleted repos as well
- Use flags instead of env vars