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This package has 2 purposes:

  • Validation of VOTables annotated with IVOA recommendation MIVOT
  • MIVOT serialization of model components (snippets) that can be used to build annotations


The validator is distributed as a Python package.

$ pip install mivot-validator

Scripts for Validating Annotated VOTables

There are 2 validation levels:

  • against the XML schemas (VOTable and MIVOT)
  • against the model itself as it is defined in VODML

XML Schema Validation

Validation of an annotated VOTable against both VOTable and MIVOT schemas:

$ mivot-validate  PROJECT_DIR/tests/data/gaia_3mags_ok_1.xml

USAGE: mivot-validate [path]
       Validate against both VOTable and MIVOT schemas
       path: either a simple file or a directory
             all directory XML files are validated
       exit status: 0 in case of success, 1 otherwise

Validation of an annotated VOTable against the MIVOT schema only:

$ mivot-mapping-validate  PROJECT_DIR/tests/data/gaia_3mags_ok_1.xml 

USAGE: mivot-mapping-validate [path]
       Validate XML files against  MIVOT schema
       path: either a simple file or a directory
             all directory XML files are validated
       exit status: 0 in case of success, 1 otherwise

Model Validation

This tool checks that mapped classes match the model they refer to.

$ mivot-instance-validate <VOTABLE path>
USAGE: mivot-instance-validate [path]
       Validate the mapped instances against the VODML definitions
       path: path to the mapped VOTable to be checked
       exit status: 0 in case of success, 1 otherwise

Types and Roles Checking

The validation tool below checks that all dmtype and dmrole referenced in the mapping block are known by mapped models; it does not care of the class structures. This checking only works with the PhotDM/MANGO/Meas/Coord/ivoa models, other models are ignored.

$ types-and-roles-validate <VOTABLE path>
USAGE: types-and-roles-validate [path]
       Validate all dmtypes and dmroles
       exit status: 0 in case of success, 1 otherwise

Snippet Generation

To facilitate the MIVOT annotation of VODML files, it can be convenient to work with pre-computed snippets that can be stacked to build full annotation blocks.

  • A snippet is a MIVOT fragment, where values and references are not set, that represents a component of a model.
  • Snippets can easily be derived from the VODML representation of the model as long as there is no class polymorphism. If there is some, we provide a tool helping users to resolve abstract components.

There are two snippet generators available in this package:

  • mivot-snippet-model which allows, for a given model, to generate all non-abstract object and data types as MIVOT components.
  • The mivot-snippet-instance which generate, for a given concrete class name, a usable snippet including the concrete classes given either as user input or as command line parameters.

Build all MIVOT snippets for a model

$ mivot-snippet-model [VODML path or url]
USAGE: mivot-snippet-model [url] [output_dir]
       Create MIVOT snippets from VODML files
       url: url of any VODML-Model (must be prefixed with file:// in case of local file)
       output_dir: path to the chosen output directory (session working directory by default)
       exit status: 0 in case of success, 1 otherwise

Build the MIVOT snippet for one model class with resolving abstract types:

$ mivot-snippet-instance coords:TimeSys `pwd`/coords.TimeSys.example \
   -cc dmrole=coords:TimeFrame.refPosition,context=coords:TimeSys,dmtype=coords:RefLocation,class=coords:StdRefLocation\
   -cc dmrole=coords:TimeFrame.refDirection,context=coords:TimeSys,dmtype=coords:RefLocation,class=coords:StdRefLocation

In this example the tool will generate one snippet for the object type coords:TimeSys.

  • The produced file will be located in CURRENT_FOLDER/coords.TimeSys.example.xml. If the output is not an absolute path, it will be located in the session working directory.
  • All MIVOT instances of (abstract) type coords:RefLocation playing the role coords:TimeFrame.refPosition and hosted by a class playing the role coords:TimeSys, will be replaced by instances of type coords:StdRefLocation
  • All MIVOT instances of (abstract) type coords:RefLocation playing the role coords:TimeFrame.refDirection and hosted by a class playing the role coords:TimeSys, will be replaced by instances of type coords:StdRefLocation