Ports is made up of two services. The first, the port-client-service
, is responsible for parsing a JSON file of pre-determined structure (containing, coincidentally, information on shipping ports). When the application parses this file it sends each chunk on a gRPC stream to be stored in memory within the second service, the ports-domain-service
. Once this is completed, a HTTP server is exposed on the client service that allows users to query the ingested data held in the ports-domain-service
- Go (built using version 1.17.2)
- Docker Compose
- Protocol Buffers
You can run both the ports-client-service
and port-domain-service
locally by running the corresponding make commands in two terminal sessions. In one, simply run make run-server
. The server should be run first to ensure that the client can successfully connect when launched. When the server is up, you can run make run-client
in the second terminal window.
Alternatively, you can run the application with docker-compose
by running make up
, which will build both containers and bring them both up. To check the logs of these containers, you can run make logs
. To gracefully shut down the compose stack, run make down
The API for the port-client-service
exposes 2 endpoints:
GET localhost:8181/ports/{port_id}
- This will return an individual port based on their unique identifier
GET localhost:8181/ports
- This will list all ports stored in memory
By default, both applications start with debug level logging. When the applications are started, this is incredibly verbose. To turn this down, you can supply the --log-level
flag to both client and server. Please follow Zap's standards for log levels when setting this value.
make integration
- Run integration tests when we have either the local or
stack running
- Run integration tests when we have either the local or
make race
- Run unit tests with coverage across the codebase
make generate
- Run
go mod tidy
,go mod vendor
,go generate
for mocks,go fmt
andgo vet
- Run
make proto
- Generate the protocol buffers for the services
make build
- Generate go binaries for client and server, located in
- Generate go binaries for client and server, located in
make up
- Bring up the docker compose stack
make logs
- Get logs out of the docker compose stack
make down
- Kill the docker compose stack