This repository contains examples of XML and XSLT files that can be used to control adding/viewing/editing/indexing of metadata in Preservica
The repository is organised by metadata schema (EAD, MODS, DublinCore, etc..).
Under each metadata schema, the same structure is presented:
- bulk-edit contains examples of XML documents specifying those terms to be white listed or black listed when performing a bulk metadata edit (see section 8.7 of the System User Guide).
- custom-indexer contains examples of XML Documents that allows custom metadata fields to be usable as search filters within Preservica Explorer (see section 11 of the System Administration Guide).
- explorer-viewer-editor contains examples of XML transforms (XSLT files) that control which metadata field are viewable and editable in Preservica Explorer (see section 5.1.2 of the System Administration Guide).
- schema-to schema-transform contains examples of XML transforms (XSLT files) that transform from the specified metadata schema to another metadata schema. These transforms can be used when exporting packages out of Preservica in a non-XIP schema (see section 5.1.2 of the System Administration Guide).
- ua-cmis-xslt contains examples of XML transforms (XSLT files) that control the metadata fields to display in universal access (see section 7.2 of the Getting Started with Universal Access Guide).
- xml-fragment-template contains examples of XML documents that can be used to provide a standard template to add blocks of additional metadata to an object in Preservica Explorer (see section 5.1.3 of the System Administration Guide).
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We recommend that you use the XML/XSLT files contributed by Preservica as starting point for your customisation.
Ensure that you follow the repository structure when submitting new files.
Files contributed should include inline comments as well as a short description at the top explaining how the file differentiate from other contributed files in the same section. The same comment should be added to the pull request.
Simply download the XML/XSLT file of your choice and upload it onto your Preservica instance via Administration > Schema Management
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Support for this project is provided by its community of contributors. Preservica does not support any of the code included in this project. Users choose to use any code included in this project at their own risk.