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A shameless plug to the stale LokiLogger, with PR's pulled in and personal tweaks. See the Legacy file for more info.


The package can be installed by adding logger_loki_backend to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:logger_loki_backend, "~> 0.3.0"}


Elixir Project

The behavior is controlled using the application configuration environment:

  • loki_host : the hostname of the syslog server e.g. http://localhost:3100
  • loki_path : the path to push to e.g. /api/v1/push
  • loki_labels : the Loki log labels used to select the log stream in e.g. Grafana
  • loki_scope_org_id: optional tenant ID for multitenancy. Currently not (yet?) supported in Grafana when enforced with auth_enabled: true in Loki config
  • level: logging threshold. Messages "above" this threshold will be discarded. The supported levels, ordered by precedence are :debug, :info, :warn, :error.
  • format: the format message used to print logs. Defaults to: "$metadata level=$level $levelpad$message". It may also be a {module, function} tuple that is invoked with the log level, the message, the current timestamp and the metadata.
  • metadata: the metadata to be printed by $metadata. Defaults to to :all, which prints all metadata.
  • max_buffer: the amount of entries to buffer before posting to the Loki REST api. Defaults to 32.

For example, the following config/config.exs file sets up Loki Logger using level debug, with application label loki_logger_library.

use Mix.Config

config :logger,
       backends: [LoggerLokiBackend]

config :logger, :logger_loki_backend,
       level: :debug,
       format: "$metadata level=$level $levelpad$message",
       metadata: :all,
       max_buffer: 300,
       loki_labels: %{application: "logger_loki_backend", elixir_node: node()},
       loki_host: "http://localhost:3100"

Protobuff lib regeneration

only needed for development

protoc --proto_path=./lib/proto --elixir_out=./lib lib/proto/loki.proto


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