Welcome to my term project for BIOS 611. In this project, I am exploring social determinants of health variables from an NYC Housing dataset broken down by boro and sub-boro. Here are the steps to get started working with this project:
- Visit the terminal and build the docker container using the code below. (If you do not have docker installed, you can install it here: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/)
docker build . -t nychousing
- Initialize an Rstudio session by visiting the terminal and running this code:
docker run -e PASSWORD=yourpassword \
-v $(pwd):/home/rstudio/work\
-p 8787:8787 --rm\
- Access the Rstudio session by going to http://localhost:8787 in any internet browser. Log in with user
and passwordyourpassword
. Enter the following code to set the working directory:
- To build the final report, type into your terminal:
make report.pdf
Shiny Visualization: The Shiny visualization will allow you to explore a simple histogram of median rent price data and control how many bins are in the histogram with the slider.
To view this visualization, you can open the file 'R_Shiny.R' and run the full code. The Shiny viz should automatically launch.
Social determinants data compiled by ted8080 via kaggle. Original dataset available here: https://www.kaggle.com/ted8080/nyc-housing-dataset-extrinsic-factors
COVID-19 data by neighborhood compiled by New York Times, scraped from here: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/nyregion/new-york-city-coronavirus-cases.html#tips. Data scraped on November 15, 2021.