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jaclyn-taroni committed Jan 28, 2020
1 parent 0e642ef commit cbd7fca
Showing 1 changed file with 71 additions and 185 deletions.
256 changes: 71 additions & 185 deletions analyses/focal-cn-file-preparation/01-prepare-cn-file.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ if (!("AnnotationDbi" %in% installed.packages())) {
#### Function ------------------------------------------------------------------

process_annotate_overlaps <- function(cnv_df,
filt_na_symbol = TRUE) {
# This function takes a standardized data.frame that contains genomic range
# information and finds the overlaps with a CDS GRanges object. It will
# discard Ensembl gene IDs with no gene symbol by default.
# information and finds the overlaps with a TxDb object. It will discard
# Ensembl gene IDs with no gene symbol by default.
# Args:
# cnv_df: standardized data.frame that contains the segments used in the
# CNV caller
# cds_gr: `GenomicRanges` object containing coding sequences to be merged
# with the CNV data.frame; output of ``
# txdb_exons: exons to be merged with the CNV data.frame; output o
# GenomicFeatures::exons
# filt_na_symbol: logical, if TRUE, rows without gene symbols will be
# removed; default is TRUE
Expand All @@ -74,49 +74,39 @@ process_annotate_overlaps <- function(cnv_df,

# Make CNV data.frame a GRanges object
cnv_gr <- cnv_df %>%
keep.extra.columns = TRUE, = FALSE

# Find the overlaps between the CNV file and GENCODE v27 filtered hg38
# annotations file (converted to bed file in ``).
overlaps <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(cnv_gr, cds_gr)

# Carry over gene ids to `cnv_gr` object
cnv_gr$gene_id <- rep(NA, length(cnv_gr))

cnv_gr$gene_id[overlaps@from] <- cds_gr$gene_id[overlaps@to]
GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(keep.extra.columns = TRUE, = FALSE)

# Find the overlaps between the CNV file and UCSC cytoband data
overlaps_ucsc <- GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(cnv_gr, ucsc_cytoband_gr)
# Create a data.frame with the overlaps between the CNV file and hg38 genome
# annotations
overlaps <- IRanges::mergeByOverlaps(cnv_gr, tx_exons)

# Create a data.frame with selected columns from the `overlaps`
# Create a data.frame with selected columns from the `autosome_overlaps`
# object
annotated_cn <- data.frame(
biospecimen_id = cnv_gr$Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID[overlaps_ucsc@from],
status = cnv_gr$status[overlaps_ucsc@from],
copy_number = cnv_gr$copy_number[overlaps_ucsc@from],
ploidy = cnv_gr$tumor_ploidy[overlaps_ucsc@from],
ensembl = cnv_gr$gene_id[overlaps_ucsc@from],
cytoband = ucsc_cytoband_gr@elementMetadata@listData$cytoband[overlaps_ucsc@to],
biospecimen_id = overlaps$Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID,
status = overlaps$status,
copy_number = overlaps$copy_number,
ploidy = overlaps$tumor_ploidy,
ensembl = unlist(overlaps$gene_id),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) %>%
dplyr::filter(!( %>%
dplyr::distinct() %>%
# Discard the gene version information in order to get gene symbols and
# cytoband mappings
dplyr::mutate(ensembl = gsub("\\..*", "", ensembl))

annotated_cn <- annotated_cn %>%
gene_symbol = AnnotationDbi::mapIds(,
keys = ensembl,
column = "SYMBOL",
keytype = "ENSEMBL"
) %>%
dplyr::select(-cytoband) %>%
keys = ensembl,
column = "SYMBOL",
keytype = "ENSEMBL"),
cytoband = AnnotationDbi::mapIds(,
keys = ensembl,
column = "MAP",
keytype = "ENSEMBL")

# drop rows that have NA values for the gene symbol
if (filt_na_symbol) {
Expand All @@ -138,10 +128,10 @@ option_list <- list(
help = "file path to file that contains CNV information"
type = "character",
default = NULL,
help = "file path to human genome cds filtered GTF file"
help = "file path to human genome GTF file"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,13 +159,6 @@ option_list <- list(
default = FALSE,
help = "flag used to indicate if the CNV file is the output of CNVkit"
type = "logical",
action = "store_true",
default = FALSE,
help = "flag used to indicate if the GISTIC file should be incorporated"
type = "integer",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,72 +200,14 @@ if (!dir.exists(results_dir)) {

if (opt$gistic) {
# Path to gistic zip file results
gistic_zip <-
file.path(root_dir, "data", "")

# Get the name of the folder first since this changes with updates to the date
folder_name <- unzip(zipfile = gistic_zip, list = TRUE) %>%
dplyr::filter(Length == 0) %>%

# Path to gistic results directory
gistic_results <-

# Extract files if it hasn't been done yet
if (!dir.exists(gistic_results)) {
# Unzip but only extract the files not the folder
unzip(zipfile = gistic_zip,
exdir = gistic_results)
# Designate GISTIC results folder to extract to
gistic_results <- file.path(gistic_results, folder_name)

# Read in broad values by arm GISTIC output file
gistic_df <-
data.table = FALSE

# Read in UCSC cytoband data. The decision to implement the UCSC hg38 cytoband
# file was made based on a comparison done between the cytoband calls in the
# `` package and the calls in the UCSC file. We found that they
# disagreed in ~11,800 calls out of ~800,000 and the `UCSC file` contains more
# cytoband calls.
ucsc_cytoband <-

# Make the UCSC cytoband data.frame a GRanges object
ucsc_cytoband_gr <- ucsc_cytoband %>%
dplyr::select(chr = V1, start = V2, end = V3, cytoband = V4) %>%
dplyr::mutate(cytoband = paste0(gsub("chr", "", chr), cytoband)) %>%
keep.extra.columns = TRUE, = FALSE

#### Format CNV file and overlap with hg38 genome annotations ------------------

# We want to standardize the formats between the two methods here and drop
# we want to standardize the formats between the two methods here and drop
# columns we won't need to
if (opt$cnvkit) {
cnv_df <- readr::read_tsv(opt$cnv_file) %>%
chr = chrom, start = loc.start, end = loc.end,
copy_number = copy.num
) %>%
dplyr::rename(chr = chrom, start = loc.start, end = loc.end,
copy_number = copy.num) %>%
dplyr::select(-num.mark, -seg.mean) %>%
dplyr::select(-Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID, dplyr::everything())
Expand All @@ -292,10 +217,8 @@ if (opt$controlfreec) {
cnv_df <- readr::read_tsv(opt$cnv_file) %>%
dplyr::rename(copy_number = copy.number) %>%
dplyr::mutate(chr = paste0("chr", chr)) %>%
-segment_genotype, -uncertainty, -WilcoxonRankSumTestPvalue,
) %>%
dplyr::select(-segment_genotype, -uncertainty, -WilcoxonRankSumTestPvalue,
-KolmogorovSmirnovPvalue) %>%
dplyr::select(-Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID, dplyr::everything())

Expand All @@ -305,21 +228,32 @@ histologies_df <- readr::read_tsv(opt$metadata)

#### Annotation file -----------------------------------------------------------

# Read in prepared cds file
cds_df <- data.table::fread(opt$cds_file, data.table = FALSE)

# Create the GRanges object
cds_gr <- cds_df %>%
seqnames = V1,
start = V2,
end = V3,
gene_id = V4
) %>%
keep.extra.columns = TRUE, = FALSE
# this is the output of GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF
# TODO: possibly update this when the GTF file gets included in the data
# download; may also remove the --gtf_file option and hardcode it?
annotation_directory <- file.path(root_dir,
annotation_file <- file.path(annotation_directory,

if (!file.exists(annotation_file)) {
# Define the annotations for the hg38 genome
txdb <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF(
file = opt$gtf_file,
format = "gtf"
# can do this even if the directory exists
dir.create(annotation_directory, showWarnings = FALSE)
# write this to file to save time next time
AnnotationDbi::saveDb(txdb, annotation_file)
} else {
txdb <- AnnotationDbi::loadDb(annotation_file)

# extract the exons but include ensembl gene identifiers
tx_exons <- GenomicFeatures::exons(txdb, columns = "gene_id")

#### Addressing autosomes first ------------------------------------------------

Expand All @@ -328,52 +262,20 @@ cnv_no_xy <- cnv_df %>%
dplyr::filter(!(chr %in% c("chrX", "chrY")), status != "neutral")

# Merge and annotated no X&Y
autosome_annotated_cn <- process_annotate_overlaps(
cnv_df = cnv_no_xy,
cds_gr = cds_gr
) %>%
autosome_annotated_cn <- process_annotate_overlaps(cnv_df = cnv_no_xy,
txdb_exons = tx_exons) %>%
# mark possible amplifications in autosomes
dplyr::mutate(status = dplyr::case_when(
copy_number > (2 * ploidy) ~ "amplification",
TRUE ~ status

#### Wrangle GISTIC data for autosome data.frame-------------------------------

if (opt$gistic) {
# Transpose the GISTIC data.frame
transposed_gistic_df <- gistic_df %>%
tibble::column_to_rownames("Chromosome Arm") %>%
t() %>% %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("biospecimen_id") %>%
# Gather the chromosome arm data into one column and the GISTIC call in another
tidyr::gather(key = "arm", value = "gistic_call", -biospecimen_id) %>%
# Filter the GISTIC data to only the overlapping samples
dplyr::filter(biospecimen_id %in% autosome_annotated_cn$biospecimen_id) %>%
# Recode the gistic
dplyr::mutate(broad_status = dplyr::case_when(
gistic_call == -1 ~ "loss",
gistic_call == 0 ~ "neutral",
gistic_call == 1 ~ "gain",
TRUE ~ "amplification"
)) %>%

# Add GISTIC data to final data.frame and remove sex chromosomes
autosome_annotated_cn <- transposed_gistic_df %>%
dplyr::filter(!(arm %in% c("Xp", "Xq", "Yp", "Yq"))) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(autosome_annotated_cn, by = "biospecimen_id")

# Output file name
autosome_output_file <- paste0(opt$filename_lead, "_autosomes.tsv.bz2")
autosome_output_file <- paste0(opt$filename_lead, "_autosomes.tsv.gz")

# Save final data.frame to a tsv file
file.path(results_dir, autosome_output_file)
file.path(results_dir, autosome_output_file))

#### X&Y -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Expand All @@ -383,37 +285,21 @@ if (xy_flag) {
dplyr::filter(chr %in% c("chrX", "chrY"))

# Merge and annotated no X&Y
sex_chrom_annotated_cn <- process_annotate_overlaps(
cnv_df = cnv_sex_chrom,
cds_gr = cds_gr
sex_chrom_annotated_cn <- process_annotate_overlaps(cnv_df = cnv_sex_chrom,
txdb_exons = tx_exons)

# Add germline sex estimate into this data.frame
sex_chrom_annotated_cn <- sex_chrom_annotated_cn %>%
by = c("biospecimen_id" = "Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID")
) %>%
by = c("biospecimen_id" = "Kids_First_Biospecimen_ID")) %>%
dplyr::select(-germline_sex_estimate, dplyr::everything())

if (opt$gistic) {
#### Wrangle GISTIC data for sex chromosome data.frame-----------------------

# Add GISTIC data to final data.frame and select only the sex chromsomes
sex_chrom_annotated_cn <- transposed_gistic_df %>%
dplyr::filter(arm %in% c("Xp", "Xq", "Yp", "Yq")) %>%
dplyr::inner_join(sex_chrom_annotated_cn, by = "biospecimen_id")

# Output file name
sex_chrom_output_file <- paste0(opt$filename_lead, "_x_and_y.tsv.bz2")
sex_chrom_output_file <- paste0(opt$filename_lead, "_x_and_y.tsv.gz")

# Save final data.frame to a tsv file
file.path(results_dir, sex_chrom_output_file)
file.path(results_dir, sex_chrom_output_file))

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