Mantine-Scheduler is a powerful and flexible React package that allows you to easily integrate scheduling functionality into your Mantine-based applications. This package provides a customizable calendar component with various views and event handling capabilities.
To install the mantine-scheduler package, run the following command:
npm install mantine-scheduler
yarn add mantine-scheduler
pnpm install mantine-scheduler
Here's a simple example of how to use the Mantine-Scheduler component in your React application:
This example creates a basic scheduler component with a single user and event.
// Define a list of users of whom have events
const users: User[] = [
{ id: 1, name: "John Doe", avatar: "" },
// Define a list of events for the given users
const events: Event[] = [
id: 1,
userId: 1,
startTime: "9:00 AM",
endTime: "10:00 AM",
title: "Meeting",
color: "blue",
id: 2,
userId: 1,
startTime: "2:00 PM",
endTime: "4:00 PM",
title: "Project Work",
color: "green",
// Generate time slots for the scheduler
// NOTE: generateTimeSlots is a helper method we provide
const timeSlots = generateTimeSlots({
start: "9:00 AM",
end: "5:30 PM",
interval: 30,
The MantineScheduler component accepts the following props:
Prop Name | Required | Description | Default Value |
date | Yes | The date for which the schedule is displayed (Date or Dayjs object) | - |
events | Yes | An array of Event objects | - |
users | Yes | An array of User objects | - |
timeSlots | No | An array of strings representing time slots | - |
timeFormat | No | The format string for displaying time | "h:mm A" |
onEventClick | No | Callback function triggered when an event is clicked | - |
onCellClick | No | Callback function triggered when a cell is clicked | - |
cellRenderer | No | Custom renderer for individual cells | - |
userRenderer | No | Custom renderer for user information | - |
timeSlotRenderer | No | Custom renderer for time slot labels | - |
tableProps | No | Additional props for the Table component (excluding 'children') | - |
timeHeaderProps | No | Props for the time header cells | - |
userColumnProps | No | Props for the user column cells | - |
Note: This component also accepts all props from TableProps
except for children
You can handle events using the provided callback props. Here's an example of how to handle event clicks:
const App = () => {
const handleEventClick = (event: Event) => {
console.log("Event clicked:", event);
return <Scheduler events={events} onEventClick={handleEventClick} />;
You can provide a custom user renderer to control how user cells are displayed:
userRenderer={(user) => (
<Avatar src={user.avatar as string} radius="xl" />
<Text size="sm" fw={500}>
Advanced usage with custom user renderer and styles:
import { Scheduler, User, Event } from "../lib/Scheduler";
import dayjs from "dayjs";
import { generateTimeSlots } from "../lib/utils";
import { Avatar, Container, Group, Paper, Text } from "@mantine/core";
function App() {
const users: User[] = [
{ id: 1, name: "John Doe", avatar: "" },
{ id: 2, name: "Jane Smith", avatar: "" },
{ id: 3, name: "Alice Johnson", avatar: "" },
{ id: 4, name: "Bob Williams", avatar: "" },
{ id: 5, name: "Eva Brown", avatar: "" },
const events: Event[] = [
id: 1,
userId: 1,
startTime: "9:00 AM",
endTime: "10:00 AM",
title: "Meeting",
color: "blue",
id: 2,
userId: 2,
startTime: "2:00 PM",
endTime: "4:00 PM",
title: "Project Work",
color: "green",
id: 3,
userId: 3,
startTime: "10:30 AM",
endTime: "11:30 AM",
title: "Client Call",
color: "violet",
id: 4,
userId: 3,
startTime: "3:00 PM",
endTime: "5:00 PM",
title: "Team Building",
color: "orange",
id: 5,
userId: 4,
startTime: "1:00 PM",
endTime: "2:30 PM",
title: "Lunch Meeting",
color: "red",
id: 6,
userId: 4,
startTime: "4:30 PM",
endTime: "5:30 PM",
title: "Code Review",
color: "cyan",
id: 7,
userId: 5,
startTime: "11:00 AM",
endTime: "12:00 PM",
title: "Training Session",
color: "yellow",
id: 8,
userId: 5,
startTime: "2:30 PM",
endTime: "3:30 PM",
title: "Design Review",
color: "pink",
const handleEventClick = (event: Event) => {
alert(`Event clicked: ${}`);
const handleCellClick = (user: User, time: string) => {
console.log("Cell clicked:", user, time);
const timeSlots = generateTimeSlots({
start: "9:00 AM",
end: "5:30 PM",
interval: 30,
return (
<Container mt={15}>
<Paper withBorder radius="md" shadow="sm" p={15}>
userRenderer={(user) => (
<Avatar src={user.avatar as string} radius="xl" />
<Text size="sm" fw={500}>
striped: true,
highlightOnHover: true,
withColumnBorders: true,
export default App;
We welcome contributions to the Mantine-Scheduler package! Please feel free to create any issues or prs you feel would improve the package