An example typescript react project using the Pokemon API
This project uses the following:
- Vite - - The build tool to serve and hot reload our react app. It's superfast compared to Webpack and only loads the actual code into our browser when needed.
- React - - This is our frontend framework
- Redux - - This is our state management framework
- RTK Query - - This is a data fetching and client side caching framework
- Cypress - - This is the frontend testing automation framework/tool.
- Typescript - - This uses typescript for static typing and cool compile time errors/warnings
- ESLint - - This lints our code using the rules we provide. We are using a Prettier plugin so it is aware of our Prettier rules
- Prettier - - This formats our code based on the rules we provide in the config file. This ensures code and formating.
Install the dependencies
npm install
Run the development instance
npm run dev
Run the E2E tests using Cypress
npm run cy:e2e
Build the client application
npm run build
Run the local instance as a production build
npm run preview
Run the Prettier code formatter
npm run format
Run the ESLint code linter
npm run lint