Hits to the esp's webserver at http://{ip}/cs? let you send text, colors, boxes, etc. to display.
cls=r=100 # Clears the screen with a dark red background
txt=t=Hello+World # Displays text, using the current
# self-advancing cursor position
txt=x=0,t=Hello+World # Picks an x position (y will also be 0 now)
# and displays text
The web hit will load, live, a preview of what's on the LCD. The RGB and BGR is reversed here (a bug I've not yet fixed).
curl ',g=300,b=250&frect=50,50,50,20,5&col=r=30,g=230&frect=100,100,80,30,1&col=b=230&frect=180,180,40,50,10&txt=s=1,t=Hello,x=0&tfg=r=225,b=255&txt=s=2,t=World,x=30,y=30&tfg=r=255,g=255&txt=s=3,t=+Over+there'
That command:
- Clears the screen with a bg of red
- Sets the color, for the next rectangle-drawing operation, to those rgb values
- Draws a rectangle (frect=x,y,width,height,corner_radius)
- Sets color... draws another rectangle...
- txt= sets a scale of 1 for the text.
- tfg= sets the rgb for the next text (foreground) color
txt=x=#,y=#,s=#,t=String (x,y,s optional)
tfg=r=#,g=#,b=# (r,g,b optional (sort of). Default to 0 if not specified)
font=... Not implemented. Will use Adafruit\_GFX font stuff
cls=r=#,g=#,b=# (r,g,b optional)
px=x=#,y=# Not implemented
frect=#,#,#,#,# x,y,width,height,radius (all required I think)
off Not implemented. (Turn off display)
(My adaptor board currently feeds HIGH to the LCD on
pin so I can't test this functionality yet).
- Copy wifi_config--example.h to wifi_config.h and put your settings in there
- Grab https://github.com/jaggzh/Adafruit_ILI9341esp_read -- Your LCD needs a ram read function. I modified the above ESP8266-augmented Adafruit_ILI9341 graphics library, and I put it at: ~/Arduino/libraries/Adafruit_ILI9341esp/
- This ^ library works with the ESP8266 and ILI9341 boards, but, again, that RAMRD function might be specific to this TJCTM24028-SPI LCD.
- https://github.com/jaggzh/Adafruit_ILI9341esp_read (See Setup above)
- This includes a copy of Jaggz's BMP Secretion Library (a memory-efficient pixel-by-pixel or row-by-row generation of BMP images). You don't need to download it; it's in here.
- For convenience, I designed an adapter board going between the LCD and the ESP8266 ILI9341 / TJCTM24028-SPI - ESP8266 Adapter Board.
- The enclosure needs some work so I've not published it yet. Sorry.