grok, wisp - introspection helpers.
From the command line:
raku -MGrok -e 'grok( my $a = 42, :deeply :core)'
raku -MGrok -e 'say wisp( Endian )'
Within Raku code:
use Grok :wisp;
# print the Endian enumerations...
say wisp( Endian );
# Endian - Enum is: Int Cool Any Mu enums: NativeEndian LittleEndian BigEndian
# print Allomorth attributes, methods and recurse into parents, roles including ::CORE types
grok( Allomorph, :deeply, :core )
# lots of output ...
Grok contains introspection helpers that display information about Raku things.
For example: You want to know how many times a sub is wrapped - grok a golf to see what methods are available.
>raku -MGrok -e 'sub s { say "s" }; &s.wrap({ say "w"; next }); grok( &s );'
#s - () Sub+{Routine::Wrapped}
# Sub - Class is: Routine Block Code Any Mu does: Callable
# Routine - Class is: Block Code Any Mu does: Callable
# Block - Class is: Code Any Mu does: Callable
# Code - Class is: Any Mu does: Callable
# Any - Class is: Mu
# Mu - Class
# Routine::Wrapped - Role
# Callable - Role
# $!dispatcher - Mu private read-only in Routine
# $!do - Code private read-only in Code
# $!flags - int private read-only in Routine
# $!inline_info - Mu private read-only in Routine
# $!package - Mu private read-only in Routine
# $!phasers - Mu private read-only in Block
# $!signature - Signature private read-only in Code
# $!why - Mu private read-only in Block
# $!wrapper-type - Routine private read-only in Sub+{Routine::Wrapped}
# $!wrappers - Mu private read-only in Sub+{Routine::Wrapped}
# @!compstuff - List private read-only in Code
# @!dispatch_order - List private read-only in Routine
# @!dispatchees - List private read-only in Routine
# ADD-WRAPPER - (Sub+{Routine::Wrapped}: &wrapper, *%_ --> Nil) Method in Routine::Wrapped
# REMOVE-WRAPPER - (Sub+{Routine::Wrapped}: &wrapper, *%_ --> Bool) Method in Routine::Wrapped
# WRAPPER-TYPE - (Sub+{Routine::Wrapped}: *%_) Method in Routine::Wrapped
# WRAPPERS - (Sub+{Routine::Wrapped}: *%_) Method in Routine::Wrapped
# is-wrapped - (Sub+{Routine::Wrapped}: *%_ --> Bool) Method in Routine::Wrapped
... and you conclude it's worth checking out .WRAPPERS.elems
sub grok(
Mu $thing is raw,
:$deeply = Bool::False,
:$core = Bool::False,
:$local = Bool::False,
:$detail = Bool::False,
:$where = Nil,
:$hide = Nil
) returns Mu
Introspect a thing. grok( Allomorph, :deeply, :core );
- :deeply - recurse into parents, roles etc.
- :core - include core classes.
- :local - skip composed / imported methods.
- :detail - include extra detail.
- :where - True - show in-package, False - hide in-package, Default - show imported package names.
- :hide - hide this string, used by Scry to remove POD generation artifacts.
sub wisp(
Mu $thing is raw,
) returns Kaolin::Wisp
An introspection helper - e.g. say wisp( Endian )
- .gist - string containing: whom, what, where, why
- .detail - string containing: whom, what, where, origin, why
Jeff Armstrong
Source can be found at:
This is my first Raku module - comments and Pull Requests are appreciated.
Copyright 2022 Jeff Armstrong
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.