This NPM module is for developers to create memes using an image URL, and save it into their specified directory.
Example code and usage: This module depends on the "jimp" NPM module
var memeCreator = require('meme-creator');
// var Jimp = require('jimp');
let options = {
imageURL: 'https://puu.sh/FFRao/b67dde72b7.jpg', // URL to image
topText: 'Daddy, what are clouds made of?', // top text of meme
bottomText: 'Linux servers, mostly', // bottom text of meme
directory: './memes/', // where to save memes
fileName: 'my_meme', // change to 'random' for a random file name
memeCreator(options, function(res, error) {
if(error) throw new Error(error)
console.log('You can view your meme by going to ' + res.fileName);