You should probably use instead of this.
babel-preset-es2015-auto is a project that aims to bring autoprefixer-like functionality to babel.
$ npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015-auto
"presets": ["es2015-auto"]
$ babel script.js --presets es2015-auto
require("babel-core").transform("code", {
presets: ["es2015-auto"]
babel-preset-es2015-auto only requires the transformers needed based on feature support. For example, if the node version you plan to use supports let
and const
, you don't need to run the transform-es2015-block-scoping
Until preset options are figured out (issue), use the environment variable PRESET_NODE_VERSION to set minimum node to support.
By default, the running version of node will be used.
$ PRESET_NODE_VERSION='> 5.4' babel script.js --presets es2015-auto
./cli.js -e '> 5.4'
[ 'babel-plugin-transform-es3-property-literals',
'babel-plugin-transform-regenerator' ]
Install project dependencies
npm install
Run the tests
make run-node
Files are output to "build/results" in json format
node processResults.js
creates/updates the data.json
file used at runtime.