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Numeric is a numpy replica done in kotlin. At the moment the goal is to add as many features for vector operations without consern for optimazitions.

Getting Started

The main functions of this library are held in the numeric.numeric package.


val nk = numeric // the main api object

val x = nk.linspace(0.0, 1.0) // creates an array from 0.0 to 1.0 with a size of 50
val y = x * 3 // multiplying all x array elements by 3

For more information visit the wiki

Gradle Dependency

repositories {
        maven { url "" }
   dependencies {
         implementation 'com.github.jalexcole:numeric:0.0.1'

Primary Goal

Add in as many numpy features as possible and optimize as nessary.

Incorporate into Numerical Methods.

Later Goals

Incorporate JEP 338 into a jvm section for further optimization. Move to kotlin multiplatform