Scripts to create input files for the CRAFTY-Brazil ABM simulation model. See also CRAFTY-Brazil Input Maps for scripts that create the base land cover map.
There are two primary types of input file:
- The region.csv file used to initialise a model run
- Capital update files change Capital values during a model run
Create the region.csv file using create_CRAFTY_regionCSV.r (possibly created using input map scripts) and other information (e.g. a base land cover map).
To create data to simulate the observed time period 2001-2018:
- moistureMap.r: creates Captial maps for either Moisture-Main or Moisture-Second (first and second seasons respectively). Requires output from slopeMap.r and soilMap.r (see below) and cru_ts4 climate data (to calculate water balance)
- PortAccessMap.r: resamples and rescales Transport Capital maps
- LandProtectionMap.r: rasterizes shapefiles to create maps for Land Protection Capitals
- LandValueMap.r: rasterizes land price vector map and classifies for the Land Value Capital
- accessMap.r: create Access Capital maps from land cover maps see CRAFTY-Brazil Input Maps)
Helper scripts for the scripts above:
- slopeMap.r: converts original high-res slope map to resolution for model and classifies this as a Capital. Used in moistureMap.r
- soilMap.r: converts original low-res soil map to resolution for model and classifies as a Capital. Used in moistureMap.r
To create data to simulate a future time period:
- moistureMap_future.r: replaces output from moistureMap.r to forecast future water balance. Requires scripts are for moistureMap.r in addition to data from a GCM (in this version output from HadGEM2 for different IPCC RCPs, available from CEDA)
- createUpdateFiles.r: takes input map files - possibly created using some of the input map scripts - and converts to a table that can be used to update Capitals during a model run
- createSingleLCMap.r: create maps of a single land cover from observed land cover maps (useful for updating 'Other Agri' and 'Other' Capitals through simulation