playbooks for installing windows sql server express edition
These playbooks have been tested on Windows Server 2016, and both using Ansible 2.5.5 from the shell, and via Ansible Tower 3.2.5
Before running these playbooks, there is some bare minimum configuration that must be performed. For the instance you wish to install, edit the file named files/sql_conf.ini.j2
The bare minimum to edit in this file is:
Of these, SQLSVCACCOUNT must be a valid local or domain account specified appropriately, with the corresponding password in the SQLSVCPASSWORD parameter. If you want another group other than local Administrators to have admin access to the database, you must also edit:
The RSSVCACCOUNT and RSSVCPASSWORD fields are mandatory and specified the startup account for reporting services. For more information, see:
Finally, to allow the playbook to become a local administrator you will need to set ansible_become_password in the head of installsql.yml.