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chore(main): release 0.5.0 #95

chore(main): release 0.5.0

chore(main): release 0.5.0 #95

Workflow file for this run

name: "Build & Test"
on: [push]
name: "Set workflow variables"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
release_tag: ${{ steps.check_tag.outputs.match }}
- name: Determine release tag
id: check_tag
run: |
echo "event.ref: ${{ github.event.ref }}"
echo "ref_name: ${{ github.ref_name }}"
echo "ref: ${{ github.ref }}"
if [[ ${{ github.event.ref }} =~ ^refs/tags/v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "match=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "Setting check_tag to true"
echo "match=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "Setting check_tag to false"
needs: set-vars
name: Run static analysis
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Setup | Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup | Prerequisites
run: "sudo bash -c 'apt update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y curl'"
- name: Setup | Breadlog
run: 'curl --proto "=https" -LsSf "${BREADLOG_PKG_URL}" | sudo tar -xz -C /'
- name: Breadlog Check | App
run: "breadlog -c ./Breadlog.yaml --check"
- name: Setup | Rust
run: "curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y"
- name: Setup | Rust Nightly
run: "rustup install nightly && rustup default nightly"
- name: Setup | Code Formatter
run: "rustup update && rustup component add rustfmt"
- name: Setup | Linter
run: "rustup update && rustup component add clippy"
- name: Code Format Check | App
run: "cargo +nightly fmt -- --check --config-path ./"
- name: Lint | App
run: "cargo clippy -- -A 'clippy::empty-docs' -D warnings"
needs: [static-analysis, set-vars]
name: Build and run tests
# Provides glibc 2.31
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- name: Setup | Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup | Prerequisites
run: "sudo bash -c 'apt update && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -y curl'"
- name: Setup | Rust
run: "curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y"
- name: Setup | Rust Nightly
run: "rustup install nightly && rustup default nightly"
- name: Setup | LLVM Tooling
run: "rustup component add llvm-tools-preview"
- name: Setup | LLVM helper
run: "cargo install cargo-binutils && rustup component add llvm-tools-preview"
- name: Tests | App
run: './.github/workflows/test_with_coverage.bash "$(pwd)" &> ./small_test_coverage_report.txt && cat ./small_test_coverage_report.txt'
- name: Clean artifacts from test | App
run: 'rm -rf ./target/*'
- name: Create build environment | App
run: "docker build --file build.Dockerfile -t breadlog:build ./"
- name: Build | App
run: "docker run -e 'REPO_DIR=/var/repo' --mount type=bind,source='./',target='/repo' breadlog:build"
- name: Store code coverage report | App
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: small_test_coverage_report
path: small_test_coverage_report.txt
retention-days: 7
- name: Store debug output | App
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: breadlog-debug
path: target/debug/breadlog
retention-days: 7
- name: Store release output | App
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: breadlog-release
path: target/release/breadlog
retention-days: 7
- name: Build package | App
run: 'BREADLOG_TMP="$(mktemp -d)"; mkdir -p "${BREADLOG_TMP}/usr/bin" && cp target/release/breadlog "${BREADLOG_TMP}/usr/bin/breadlog" && tar -C "${BREADLOG_TMP}" -czf /tmp/breadlog_package.tar.gz usr'
- name: Upload package artifact | App
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: breadlog-package
path: /tmp/breadlog_package.tar.gz
# This job will only run on a release tag, which will have been created by
# release-please along with a GitHub release. A GitHub release associated
# with the tag is therefore guaranteed to exist before this job runs,
# providing a location to upload the release artifacts.
# Note that there is a race condition between this workflow being triggered
# by release-please pushing a tag and creating the GH release, but given the
# other jobs in the workflow it is safe to assume a GH release will have
# been created in time.
# 2 packages with identical content but different names are uploaded: one
# is for manual download and contains the release version in the name
# while the other is for downloading from within user CI pipelines and
# doesn't contain the release version in the name. This allows CI pipelines
# to easily download the latest package from a single, consistent URL.
needs: [set-vars, build]
USER_PACKAGE_NAME: "/tmp/breadlog-package-${{ github.ref_name }}-linux_x86-64.tar.gz"
CI_PACKAGE_NAME: "/tmp/breadlog-package-linux_x86-64.tar.gz"
PACKAGE_HASH_NAME: "/tmp/breadlog-package-linux_x86-64.sha256"
name: Upload release assets
if: needs.set-vars.outputs.release_tag == 'true'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: breadlog-package
- name: Store package hash | Release
run: 'sha256sum ./breadlog_package.tar.gz | cut -d " " -f 1 > "${PACKAGE_HASH_NAME}"'
- name: Create user package | Release
run: 'cp "./breadlog_package.tar.gz" "${USER_PACKAGE_NAME}"'
- name: Create CI package | Release
run: 'cp "./breadlog_package.tar.gz" "${CI_PACKAGE_NAME}"'
- name: Auth GH CLI | Release
run: 'echo "${{ secrets.BREADLOG_RELEASE_PAT }}" | gh auth login --with-token'
- name: Upload user release artifact | Release
run: 'gh release upload "${{github.ref_name}}" "${USER_PACKAGE_NAME}#Installer archive (Linux x86-64)"'
- name: Upload CI release artifact | Release
run: 'gh release upload "${{github.ref_name}}" "${CI_PACKAGE_NAME}"'
- name: Upload package hash | Release
run: 'gh release upload "${{github.ref_name}}" "${PACKAGE_HASH_NAME}#Installer hash (Linux x86-64)"'