Reads key cluster metrics from ElasticSearch and writes to Graphite. Make pretty graphs:
This is intended for high-level, general cluster data. More granular data is better fetched on a per-node basis using other tools.
es-stats has no external dependencies (you're welcome). Assuming Go is installed (built/tested with 1.4.x):
go get
go build
Binary will be found at: $GOPATH/bin/es-stats
Starter Grafana template:
./es-stats -h Usage of ./es-stats: -graphite-ip="": Destination Graphite IP address -graphite-port="2003": Destination Graphite plaintext port -interval=30: Metrics polling interval -ip="": ElasticSearch IP address -metrics-prefix="elasticsearch": Top-level Graphite namespace prefix (defaults to hostname) -port="9200": ElasticSearch port -require-master=false: Only poll if node is an elected master
% ./es-stats -ip="" -interval=5 -graphite-ip="" -graphite-port="2013" 2015/03/04 15:27:56 Connected to ElasticSearch: 2015/03/04 15:27:56 Connected to Graphite: port 2013 2015/03/04 15:28:01 Metrics received 2015/03/04 15:28:01 Metrics flushed to Graphite 2015/03/04 15:28:06 Metrics received 2015/03/04 15:28:06 Metrics flushed to Graphite 2015/03/04 15:28:11 Metrics received 2015/03/04 15:28:11 Metrics flushed to Graphite 2015/03/04 15:28:16 Metrics received 2015/03/04 15:28:16 Metrics flushed to Graphite