If you don't have Postgres on your computer run
brew install postgres
Run npm install and then run:
npm install -g knex
Then to start your database run:
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
To create your tables and seed data run in a new tab:
createdb yumsnap
knex migrate:latest
knex seed:run
Do not CTRL-C to stop Postgres To stop your database:
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop -s -m fast
To start the server, run in a new tab:
npm run start
To drop the database, stop your server and run:
dropdb yumsnap
##Git workflow Pull the most recent version down to your master: git pull --rebase origin master
Checkout a new branch for what you're working on: git checkout -b feat/a-description-here-#[eg]3
ONLY EVER PUSH TO YOUR FEATURE BRANCH, AKA DO NOT PUSH TO MASTER: git push origin feat/a-description-here-#[eg]3
Submit a pull request on Github from the feature branch to master
Someone who is not you (gitlord) must review and merge.
After merging the pull request the gitlord will slack @channel REBASE.
Once you see this it is super important to do another: git pull --rebase origin master