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An API wrapper for with typings.

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You can use the following command to install this package, or replace yarn add with your package manager of choice.

$ yarn add


const { TraceMoe } = require("");
// ES6 Import.
import { TraceMoe } from "";

const api = new TraceMoe();

// Fetching similar anime using an url.
await api.fetchAnime(""); // Returns Promise<SearchResponse>

// Fetching similar anime using an image.
await api.fetchAnimeFromBuffer(fs.readFileSync("path-to-image")); // Returns Promise<SearchResponse>

// Fetching your qouta and account limits.
await api.fetchMe(); // Returns Promise<MeResult>


  • API#fetchAnime() and API#fetchAnimeFromBuffer()
   frameCount: 9339843,
   error: '',
   result: Array<Result> // Refer to lib/structures/Result.ts or below for reference.
   // anilist: 12189 # If anilistInfo is false, this is the value it will return. If true, refer below.
   anilist: {
     id: 12189,
     idMal: 12189,
     title: {
       native: '氷菓',
       romaji: 'Hyouka',
       english: 'Hyouka'
     synonyms: [ 'Hyouka: Forbidden Secrets' ],
     isAdult: false
   filename: '[DHR&Hakugetsu][Hyouka][03][720P][BIG5][AVC_AAC].mp4',
   episode: 3,
   from: 471.33, // Parsed in milliseconds.
   to: 474.75, // Parsed in milliseconds.
   similarity: 0.9658578643762691, // Will return 1 if 100% similar.
   video: 'url-to-video',
   image: 'url-to-image'
  • API#fetchMe()
   id: 'ip-or-token',
   priority: 0,
   concurrency: 1,
   quota: 1000,
   quotaUsed: 58


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This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.