This is a Magicmirror2 module for communication with a MQTT broker, inspired by MMM-MQTTbridge (
With this module you are able to use the most important features of MQTT, like retained flags, QoS, clean connections, etc. The client is based on the mqtt.js library from NodeJS, so for explanation or extension of the configuration you can always read on to receive more details.
The module MMM-MQTTbind represents the bindin between MQTT-Topics and Magicmirror Notifications.
If the client receives messages from the MQTT-Broker for a subscribed Topic, it forwards them to the configured Magicmirror Notification. e.g:
Topic: "home/livingroom/bulb1/cmnd/power" Message: "ON" -> Notification: "MY_NOTIFICATION" Payload "ON".
If a publish is configured, MMM-MQTTbind will publish the received Notification and it's payload to an configured MQTT-Topic. e.g.:
"MY_NOTIFICATION" Payload "ON" will be forwarded as MQTT Message to Topic: "home/livingroom/bulb1/stat/power
git clone
Maybe you need to install mqtt.js too: npm install mqtt
module: 'MMM-MQTTbind',
disabled: false,
config: {
enableLogging: true, // If true every publish and subscription will get logged with the payload
server: "mqtt://", //See mqtt.client.connect() for more details
options: {},
ignoredNotifications: ["CLOCK_MINUTE", "CLOCK_SECOND", "NEWS_FEED"],
ignoredSenders: ["NEWS_FEED", "calender", "MMM-GoogleTasks", "MMM-OpenmapWeather", "weatherforecast"],
bindings: {
subscriptions: [
topic: "home/livingroom/bulbone/cmnd/power", // Topic to subscribe to
notification: "RECEIVING_NOTIFICATION_ONE", // Notification to forward to
topic: "home/livingroom/bulbtwo/cmnd/power",
publications: [
topic: "home/livingroom/bulbone/stat/power", // Topic to publish to
notification: "SENDING_NOTIFICATION_ONE", // Notifiction to publish
topic: "home/livingroom/bulbtwo/stat/power",
module: 'MMM-MQTTbind',
disabled: false,
config: {
enableLogging: true, // If true every publish and subscription will get logged with the payload
server: "mqtt://", // possible protocolls 'mqtt', 'mqtts', 'tcp', 'tls', 'ws', 'wss'. See mqtt.js for more details:
options: { // please see mqtt.Client(streamBuilder, option) for more details (
clientOptions: {
keepalive: 60, // seconds, set to 0 to disable
reschedulePings: true // reschedule ping messages after sending packets (default true)
clientId: "MQTTbind", // Client ID for the communication with the MQTTBroker
protocolId: 'MQTT', // MQTTm MQIsdp
protocolVersion: 4, // 1-5
clean: true, // , set to false to receive QoS 1 and 2 messages while offline
reconnectPeriod: 1000, // milliseconds, interval between two reconnections. Disable auto reconnect by setting to 0.
connectTimeout: 30 * 1000, // milliseconds, time to wait before a CONNACK is received
username: user, // the username required by your broker, if any
password: password, // the password required by your broker, if any
will: { // a message that will sent by the broker automatically when the client disconnect badly
topic: "home/esszimmer/magicmirror/stat/lastwill", // he topic to pulish to
payload: "dead", // last will/testament message
qos: 1, // qos level for the LWT Message
retain: true, // retain flag
ignoredNotifications: ["CLOCK_MINUTE", "CLOCK_SECOND", "NEWS_FEED"], // Notifications that will be irgnored by MMM-MQTTbind
ignoredSenders: ["NEWS_FEED", "calender", "MMM-GoogleTasks", "MMM-OpenmapWeather", "weatherforecast"], // Notification-Sendera that will be irgnored by MMM-MQTTbind
bindings: {
subscriptions: [
topic: "home/livingroom/bulbone/cmnd/power", // >Topic to subscribe to
notification: "RECEIVING_POWER_TOGGLE", // Notification to forward to
options: {
qos: 0, // QoS subscription level, default 0
rap: false, // Retain as Published MQTT 5.0 flag (If true, Application Messages forwarded using this subscription keep the RETAIN flag they were published with. If false, Application Messages forwarded using this subscription have the RETAIN flag set to 0.)
rh: false, // Retain Handling MQTT 5.0 (This option specifies whether retained messages are sent when the subscription is established.)
publications: [
topic: "home/livingroom/bulbone/stat/power",
options: {
qos: 1, // QoS level, Number, default 0
retain: false, // retain flag, Boolean, default false
topic: "home/livingroom/bulbtwo/stat/power",
options: {
qos: 0,
retain: false,
dup: false,