Collection of Arduino Projects
This setup can be installed in your garage to help you guide while parking your car in reverse. You can use the pushbuttons to set the minimum distance you want between your car and the wall. The distance threshold value is output on an LCD for you to see. When you car comes under that distance while reversing, the buzzer will go off. When the you forward the car to go away from the wall, the buzzer turns off when the car is no longer under the threshold. Minimum distance has initialized at 10cm for safety.
The timer resets automatically. In practice it would be implemented using Arduino Nano.
You can view the project and simulate it here
This timer stars when you come to wash you hands. Its intended to turn a motor from 0 to 180 degrees somewhat like a needle of clock but only under a span of twenty seconds. At the same time an LCD also displays the time. This will help you in being mindful about washing hands properly for 20 seconds to prevent COVID.
The timer resets automatically. In practice it would be implemented using Arduino Nano.
You can view and simulate this project here