velo is an R package which provides bicycle-related calculations frequently used by bike enthusiasts. So far many of these functions are spread over the web. These are often unreliable and/or intransparent mostly due to insufficient documentation. The main goals of the velo-package are:
- Bring together the most important bicycle-related calculations in a well-documented, transparent and reproducible manner. So far, velo lets you compute:
- chain lengths.
- the optimal combination of teeths for fixie bikes.
- spoke lenghts.
- the trail.
- Make them interactively usable via RShiny Apps (see the sibling velo_apps repository).
You can install the latest development version from github with
if (packageVersion("devtools") < 1.6) {
if (!"lazyeval" %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"]) {
- function calc_chain also for fixie bikes.
- build Shiny apps for all functions.