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Action to generate badges from a pom.xml dependencies based on an input json file


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Pom To Badges

A simple action that takes a list of maven pom dependencies to create version badges for

A badge generator action written in Kotlin powered by Quarkus GitHub Action. Internally it uses the Badge4j library to generate the svg badges. This means that all styles, colors and logos supported by the Badge4j library is supported by this action.

The action was created for the specific usecase of getting versions of key maven dependencies for used in a project and generating badges with the versions of the dependencies.

See Example Usage for more details.


The action takes as input the name of the pom.xml file which contain the dependencies and versions, and a json structure with the specification of the dependencies to create badges for.

Json Specification Format

  "dependencies": [
      "groupId": "io.quarkus.platform",
      "artifactId": "quarkus-bom",
      "label": "Quarkus",
      "savePath": "target/quarkus.svg",
      "color": "Blue",
      "style": "flat",
      "versionColor": "White"
      "groupId": "org.jetbrains.kotlin",
      "artifactId": "kotlin-maven-plugin",
      "badgeName": "Kotlin",
      "savePath": "target/kotlin.svg"
Attribute Mandatory Description
groupId true The maven groupId of the dependency
artifactId true The maven artifactId of the dependency
label true The label to put on the badge
savePath true The output badges path
color false Color of the badge label. Default value is #007ec6
style false The style to apply to the badge [flat,flat-square,for-the-badge,plastic,social] . The default value is flat
versionColor false The color for the message part of the badge. Default color is #9f9f9f


Parameter Mandatory Description
pomFile true The pom.xml file to get dependencies from
spec true The json file with the dpecification of the dependencies to generate version badges for
github-token true Github Token


Style Example


The named colors supported are

In addition,

  • Any valid CSS color
    • named color
      • etc.
    • hexadecimal numbers
      • etc.
    • rgb[a](red, green, blue[, opacity])
    • cmyk[a](cyan, magenta, yellow, black[, opacity])
    • hsl[a](hue, saturation, lightness[, opacity])



Example Usage

You need to setup java somewhere in the Job before the pom-to-badges action is run.

      - name: Set up JDK 17
        uses: actions/setup-java@v3
          java-version: 17
          distribution: temurin
uses: janpk/pom-to-badge@v1
  pomFile: pom.xml
  spec: '.github/version-dependencies-spec.json'
  github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Creating a dedicated branch for badges

I have found that having a dedicated branch to keep generated badges work the best for me. To create an empty branch

git checkout --orphan <branchname>

git rm -rf .

That gets rid of all the files tracked by git from the branch. In addition there you might have some files that are not tracked by git that you want to remove since the second command above probably removed the .gitignore file from the branch.

rm <some lingering file>
rm -Rf <some lingering directory>

After this you should probably add a file to the branch to remind anyone who might stop by the purpose of the branch. Then you add the file(s) you want, commit and push

git add .

git commit -m "commit message"

git push -u origin <branchname>

If you want to write generates badges to this branch, you need to check out the branch in your workflow job

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Checkout badges branch to a badges directory nested inside first checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          ref: badges
          path: badges

you can then specify the path in the pom-to-badges json spec like

  "dependencies": [
      "groupId": "io.quarkus.platform",
      "artifactId": "quarkus-bom",
      "label": "Quarkus",
      "savePath": "badges/quarkus.svg",

and then you need to remember adding a commit step to your job like

      - name: Commit the badge (if it changed)
        if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
        run: |
          cd badges
          if [[ `git status --porcelain *.svg` ]]; then
            git config --global ""
            git config --global "Pom To Badges Gen"
            git add *.svg
            git commit -m "Autogenerated badge(s)" --allow-empty
            git push

Developer Related

When pushing to the main branch, the GitHub Action artifact is automatically published to the Maven repository of this GitHub repository.

The action.yml descriptor instructs GitHub Actions to run this published artifact using JBang when the action is executed.

Related Guides

  • GitHub Action (guide): Develop GitHub Actions in Java with Quarkus
  • Kotlin (guide): Write your services in Kotlin


Action to generate badges from a pom.xml dependencies based on an input json file





