Tools for packaging.
This package provides a Sphinx extension that will inject into the config the following values from the project's package metadata (as presented by distutils):
- project (from name)
- author
- copyright (same as author)
- version
- release (same as version)
- package_url (from url)
To enable, include 'jaraco.packaging' in the requirements and add 'jaraco.packaging.sphinx' to the list of extensions in a Sphinx config file:
The extension by default builds the project in an isolated environment in
order to extract the metadata. For offline builds, set
and ensure the build dependencies are
met in the current environment.
Deprecated: To build the documentation offline,
provide an already built wheel by setting the environment variable
to the path of an existing wheel.
A utility for taking output from pipdeptree --json
and producing a tree
rooted at a given package.
pipdeptree --json | python -m jaraco.packaging.make-tree mypkg
A wrapper around build.util.project_wheel_metadata
to enable dowstream
packagers to indicate that they need an isolated build. Set the environment
variable BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=current
to bypass build isolation and use the
current isolation for loading metadata from a project.