This project is the versioned API documentation viewer built with Emberjs used at Ember api docs. To view the data generator producing its data, please visit
We'd love to get help working on the next set of issues we're seeing.
If you're a new contributor, come say hi in the Ember Community Slack's team-learning channel, and look for the tags "Good for New Contributors" and "Help Wanted" on our Issues.
Please also see
git clone
yarn install
bower install
ember serve
View at http://localhost:4200
Ember itself is documented using a tool called YUIDoc. YUIDoc creates structured API doc data, which is turned into JSONAPI by a generator, ember-jsonapi-docs. That data is filtered and displayed by this Ember app, ember-api-docs.
This project contains only the API docs portion of If you're looking for the rest of the site, see the website and guides repositories.
To run a11y tests, run test_a11y=yes ember serve
Latest changes from master can be seen on