A simple wrapper for Apache Commons FileUpload for allowing it to work with Netty and other IO servers.
Part of the Java Delight Suite.
Just add the following dependency to your projects.
<version>[insert latest version]</version>
This artifact is available on Maven Central and BinTray.
Please note in order to use this package, the javax.servlet
dependency needs to be defined in your project as well. Such as:
First obtain the raw data of the request in the framework you are using:
byte[] data = ... posted data
String contentType = ... header "Content-Type"
Then call customized FileUpload to process the request:
FileItemIterator iterator = FileUpload.parse(data, contentType);
Finally, process the items in the multipart request:
while (iter.hasNext()) {
FileItemStream item = iter.next();
if (item.isFormField()) {
... some fields in the form
} else {
InputStream stream = item.openStream();
// work with uploaded file data by processing stream ...