A Vert.x client allowing applications to interact with a RabbitMQ broker (AMQP 0.9.1)
This service is experimental and the APIs are likely to change before settling down.
Please see the in source asciidoc documentation or the main documentation on the web-site for a full description:
- Web-site docs
- Java in-source docs
- JavaScript in-source docs
- Groovy in-source docs
- Ruby in-source docs
By default the tests uses a cloud provided RabbitMQ instance.
% mvn test
You can run tests with a local RabbitMQ instance:
% mvn test -Prabbitmq.local
You will need to have RabbitMQ running with default ports on localhost for this to work.
You can setup a RabbitMQ instance with Docker:
docker run --rm --name vertx-rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq