Welcome welcome! This is the AWS (and others maybe) infrastructure repository for generic services @ Wealize.
First of all, Install Terraform!
Then you need to go to the INFRA vault in 1 Password and get the Terraform AWS credentials.
Then, in the terminal you're gonna use Terraform:
After that you need to go to cd terraform
and copy the Secure Note (infra.tfvars) in 1Password INFRA vault into a infra.tfvars file inside this
terraform` folder.
Then you start the magic!
terraform init -var-file infra.tfvars
terraform plan -var-file infra.tfvars
Init installs the AWS provider plugin for Terraform in your machine.
Plan shows you what Terraform is gonna do in your AWS, it does nothing for now but it's interesting to see what's going to change.
Once we're happy with the changes:
terraform apply -var-file infra.tfvars
This option creates or updates whatever change you wrote and you see in the plan
Happy Terraforming!