- git clone --recursive git://github.com/javipolo/vim.git ~/.vim && ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc && vim +BundleInstall +qall
- git clone git://github.com/javipolo/vim.git ~/.vim && ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc && cd ~/.vim && git submodule update -i && vim +BundleInstall +qall
- ln -s ~/.vim/nvim ~/.config/nvim
- vundle: Plugin manager, this manages all other plugins in file vundles.vim
- comentary: use \\\ for commenting out code
- fugitive: integrate vim with git
- haproxy: syntax highlighting and folding for haproxy.cfg
- puppet: syntax and more for .pp files
- repeat: enables to use . in lots of places
- surround: manage brackets, tags, quotes and everything that surrounds text
- tabular: automagically tabulate in columns
- unimpaired: easy navigation through quickfix list, among other things
- vim-varnish: varnish syntax and folding rules
- CtrlP: faster browsing through files
- utilsnips: Fast insertion of text snippets
- vim-eyaml: Encrypt inside yaml without exiting vim
Note: All of the plugins are managed with the vundle plugin. Vundle itself is a submodule