Repository for my Ansible Playbooks:
- AddingUserToGroup.yml
- Add a new user called usertest1 in the group users.
- Create its home directory.
- CopyFileFromLocalToRemote.yml
- Playbook to copy from source (local) to dest(remote)
- DeletingUsersFromGroup.yml
- Delete the user usertest2.
- Delete its home directory from the system.
- PingForTestingPurposes.yml
- For test only.
- It performs a ping on the host defined in /etc/ansible/hosts.
- RemovingSpecificUsersFromGroup.yml
- Remove all users with name that start from user* from the group users.
- Will also remove all users except those who start with ext*, use "-g wheel" and "grep -v ext*".
- The playbook has been tested on Centos and Debian.
- SNMPConigurationAndPackages.yml
- Install the SNMP package.
- Configure the snmpd.conf.
- Setup logrotate for snmp.
- Configure the /etc/sysconfig/snmpd file.
- Add new firewall rules.
- Reload the firewall.
- Reload the snmpd service.
- All files handled by Ansible will have a comment at the top mentioning "This file is managed by Ansible for references".
- It has been adapter for Centos7 only.
- LVMManipulation.yml
- Create a VG and LV.
- Format the dist to ext4.
- Mount the disk on specific directory.
- UpdateGLIBCandRestartNamedService.yml
- update the Glibc packages
- Restart the named service.
- GatherInformationAboutOS.yml
- Retrieve versions of Kernel, Networker, Shinken, BladeLogic and VMtool.
- The output will be appended on a file in /tmp/rhelroot.
- ReplicateUserDirectoryAndKeys.yml
- Create account for non-existant users.
- Add the users to wheel group and setup the permissions.
- creating the .ssh directory and setup the permission.
- Configure SELINUX on the .ssh directory.
- Write key to authorized_key file directly using the bullet proof approach.
- ChangePassword.yml
- change password of a user.
- Always use the hash of the password in the password field.
- The goal is to update the /etc/shadow file on the remote machines.
- ReconfigureExportPS1BAsh.yml
- Delete .bash_profile
- Re Append with ps1 configuration
- InventoryUsingAnsibleCMDB.yml
- Output the server inventory as well as the vmware tool version in two separate files.
- Also make sure if the file /home/Ansible-Workdesk/ does exist.
- Change the default stdout_lines value to vmwareversion in the JSON file.
- For more information, visit
- AuditLoginLinux.yml
- Please see project Tabulogs @