An innovative tech enthusiast skilled at crafting elegant solutions for complex issues. With a strategic mindset and unwavering commitment to excellence, I'm poised to lead any team efficiently.
- Strategic test planning for robust software quality.
- Automated script execution for efficient testing.
- Adoption of provider-driven contract testing, streamlining integration of new features and updates.
- Whatsapp Buisness API platform.
- Customised automation solutions for multifarious clients.
- Applying deepfakes & AI powered Text-to-Speech for customised video rendering.
- Real-time object detection and tracking algorithm.
- Autonomous object tracking using live camera feeds.
- Applying computer vision for sports insights.
Cutting-edge assignment rendering software.
Leveraged RNNs for natural handwriting synthesis.
ISRO-mentored project for data dropout restoration.
Advanced 16-bit GAN for reconstructing SWIR Images.
GIS-optimized generator with 99.97% accuracy.
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Developed groundbreaking penetration testing tools.
Adapted existing acclaimed tools for Android NDK.
Proactively maintained and updated tools for compatibility with the latest security measures from companies like Netflix, Spotify, Hotstar, Google, Instagram, and others.