A Unsplash app build with React Native, Fast Image, React Native Thumbnail Grid, Redux, Redux-Thunk, Redux Toolkit, React Native Actions Sheet, React Navigation
- Fast Image,
- React Native Thumbnail Grid,
- Redux,
- Redux-Thunk,
- Redux Toolkit,
- React Native Actions Sheet,
- React Navigation
There are 2 branch used to here
- main - uses redux and api service to get data from Unsplash API
- prototype - uses a fake json file with the same data coming from the Unsplash API
You can find me on:
- Github: http://github.com/jbagaresgaray
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/Janphil17
- Website: https://jbagaresgaray.github.io/
Wanna give me a coffee?
- Paypal: philipgaray2@gmail.com