AutoIncrement provides automatic incrementation for a integer or string fields in Rails.
Put this in your Gemfile
git_source(:github){ |repo_name| "{repo_name}.git" }
gem 'auto_increment', github: 'jbox-web/auto_increment', tag: '1.8.0'
then run bundle install
To work with a auto increment column you used to do something like this in your model:
before_create :set_code
def set_code
max_code = Operation.maximum(:code)
self.code = max_code.to_i + 1
Looks fine, but not when you need to do it over and over again. In fact auto_increment does it under the cover.
All you need to do is this:
class Project < ApplicationRecord
auto_increment :code
And your code field will be incremented :)
So you have a different column or need a scope. auto_increment provides options. You can use it like this:
class Project < ApplicationRecord
auto_increment :letter, scope: [:account_id, :job_id], model_scope: :in_account, initial: 'C', force: true, lock: false, before: :create
First argument is the column that will be incremented. Can be integer or string.
- scope: you can define columns that will be scoped and you can use as many as you want (default: nil)
- model_scope: you can define model scopes that will be executed and you can use as many as you want (default: nil)
- initial: initial value of column (default: 1)
- force: you can set a value before create and auto_increment will not change that, but if you do want this, set force to true (default: false)
- lock: you can set a lock on the max query. (default: false)
- before: you can choose a different callback to be used (:create, :save, :validation) (default: create)