- Scripts to stop/start/restart admin server, managed server, and node manager without configuration.
- The domain file system can be place in a SAN/NAS shared by multiple servers.
- Admin server, managed server, node manager can be Virutual IP, or DNS pointing to a virtual IP.
- Green - save time to customize scripts.
- Automate print list of servers can be stop/start.
- Get all files and place your DOMAIN HOME directory. And make sure Admin Server is up and running.
- Run ./runWLST.sh createWLkey_VIP.py and enter Admin user/password/url to generate user config file,
- key and managed server information.
- start-admin: Bourne shell script to start Weblogic Admin server running on the current host.
- stop-admin: Bourne shell script to stop Weblogic Admin server running on the current host.
- restart-admin:Bourne shell script to restart Weblogic Admin server running on the current host.
- start-ms: Bourne shell script to start Weblogic managed server running on the current host.
- stop-ms: Bourne shell script to stop Weblogic managed server running on the current host.
- start-nm: Bourne shell script to start Node Manager running on the current host.
- stop-nm: Bourne shell script to start Node Manager running on the current host.
- tail-out: Bourne shell script to tail a JVM file of a server running on the current host.
- vi-out: Bourne shell script to vi a JVM log file of a server running on the current host.
- tail-log: Bourne shell script to tail a Weblogic log file of a server running on the current host.
- vi-log: Bourne shell script to vi a Weblogic log file of a server running on the current host.
- createWLkey_VIP.py: Jython script to connect admin server to set config file and key and get server IP and NM infor.
- runWLST.ksh: WLST launcher
- setNodeName.sh: Bourne shell script to detect which server can be start/stop on the current host.