Fault injection framework and application for performing CPU fault injection on:
- P2020RDB (Using BDI3000 JTAG debugger)
- ZedBoard (Using BDI3000 or Integrated JTAG debugger)
- Simics simulation of P2020RDB
- Simics simulation of CoreTile Express A9x4 (Only two cores simulated)
DrSEUs Terminology:
- Campaign: contains gold execution run of target application without fault injections that is used for comparison with one or more iterations
- Iteration: monitored execution run of target application with one or more injections
- Injection: single bit flip of randomly selected register or TLB entry
Run drseus.py --help for usage information
Use arguments in files by prefixing with "@", for example: "drseus.py @conf/sample/p2020"
- drseus.py new ppc_fi_2d_conv_fft_omp -s -a "lena.bmp out.bmp" -f lena.bmp -o out.bmp
- Creates a Simics fault-injection campaign
- Sends binary file "ppc_fi_2d_conv_fft_omp" and input file "lena.bmp" to the device under test
- Runs "ppc_fi_2d_conv_fft_omp lena.bmp out.bmp" on the device under test
- Checks for output file "out.bmp"
- drseus.py inject -n 100 -p 8
- Performs 100 injection iterations using 8 processes
- drseus.py log
- Starts log server
- Navigate to http://localhost:8000 in your web browser
Before using DrSEUs for the first time, you must first run "scripts/install dependencies.sh" then run "scripts/setup environment.sh" then run "./python/bin/python3 ./scripts/merge.py"