HDap Ansible playbooks will help to deploy hadoop cluster for Hortonworks, Cloudera and BigInsights on any number of nodes. We support most commonly used linux flavors like: Ubuntu 14, CentOS 6, CentOS 7, RedHat 6, RedHat 7 and it’s prerequisites on the listed OS.
- Ansible >= 2.1.
- Expects RHEL/CentOS 6/7 or Ubuntu 14 hosts.
- The biggest advantage is that user just need to define Hadoop distribution as a variable. User doesn’t need to know specifics of Cloudera, Hortonworks or BigInsights deployment information.
- Single hosts file for all Hadoop distribution.
- It installs HDP and BigInsights using Ambari blueprints
- It installs Cloudera using cloudera API v10
- No upper limit on number of nodes.
- Single command will deploy entire cluster once couple of files are updated with hosts and other info.
- Playbooks allows user to select custom repositories. This helps to select local repositories is any which saves considerable amount of network bandwidth and time.
- One can fine tune parameter which are supported by blueprints for HDP and BI / Cloudera API for Cloudera.
- Easy to add custom deployment scripts to existing playbooks if you need to install additional software.
- One can easily tweak Simple Ansible playbooks if they have some specific requirement.
- Can be used for on premise or cloud deployments.
- For running playbook,you need to configure hosts, group_vars/all, and group_vars/passwords.yml files only.
- For more details about hosts and group_vars files see hosts.md and all_vars.md
- To install Hadoop: ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml -u
-k --ask-vault-pass
Password for vault is: vault
Once Ambari / Cloudera manager is installed, hadoop components installation can be monitored as mentioned below:
- for Ambari GUI: go to
:8080 - for Cloudera GUI: go to
credentials: admin/admin
Apache Licence v2
Prakul Singhal, Niraj Parmar, Nilesh Joshi
- BigOps (BigData Operations) at Persistent Systems Limited
- bigops_team@persistent.com