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gdextension for vlang


Feature Status Description
Godot Builtin FFI FFI of godot's builtin types and functions like StringName
Godot Class FFI FFI of godot's classes like Node3D
Class Registration You can register classes with V
Class Virtual Functions You can override class virtual functions with V, like ready() and process() by prepending virt_ to it like 'virt_ready()'
Signals Partial Right now only GD signals can be listened to, and those functions need specific names, like for the 'area_entered' signal, you must name your function 'signal_area_entered'. This is due to the same issue described in 'Class Function Export'
Class Function Export Right now only functions with arguments known api_gen time like signals and virtual functions can be exported. A generic way to export functions will require more V compile time features
Member Variable Export to Inspector Partial Right now only builtin godot types (not godot classes that are derived from an Object), can be exported
Build Support Builds and runs on Windows and Linux
Overall Usability Low V-analyzer autocomplete doesn't work #4
Godot crashes when calling functions on Objects that don't exist anymore rather than providing an error in the log
If you create a godot object manually, you must manually free it using deinit() (i.e. StringName)
Compile times are longer than I would like them to be


vgdextension layout

./gen_api.vsh API binding generator
./extension_api.json the godot extension api json the api generator will use
./src/gdclass.v class and classdb related functionality
./src/gdextension_api*.v the generated godot api
./src/gdextension_interface.v interface file, defines the gdextension interface functions and types
./src/gdextension.v binds the gdextension interface functions
./src/variant.v variant and other helper functions
./src/gdextension_api_virtual_bind.v interfaces for virtual functions
./src/gdextension_api_method_export.v handles exporting functions to godot, currently only supports signals

Generate Your Own Bindings

  1. Run godot --dump-extension-api to generate your extension_api.json
  2. Overwrite extension_api.json at the root of vgdextension with your generated version
  3. Run v run gen_api.vsh. This will overwrite src/gdextension_api.v


Please check the examples/shooter2d example for a more in depth example
Note: -d no_backtrace is used to allow tcc to work. It's not needed if you use gcc/clang
Compile with v -shared -enable-globals -d no_backtrace .

module main

import log
import vgdextension as gd

pub struct ExampleClass {
	rot f64

fn (mut e ExampleClass) init() {
	if gd.Engine.get_singleton().is_editor_hint() {

fn (mut e ExampleClass) deinit() {

fn (mut e ExampleClass) virt_ready() {
	e.rot = e.get_rotation_degrees()

fn (mut e ExampleClass) virt_process(delta f64) {
	i := gd.Input.get_singleton()

	if i.is_anything_pressed() {
		e.rot += delta * 180

pub fn init_gd(v voidptr, l gd.GDExtensionInitializationLevel) {
	if l == .initialization_level_scene {

pub fn deinit_gd(v voidptr, l gd.GDExtensionInitializationLevel) {
	if l == .initialization_level_scene {

@[export: 'hello_extension_entry']
pub fn hello_extension_entry(gpaddr fn (&i8) gd.GDExtensionInterfaceFunctionPtr, clp gd.GDExtensionClassLibraryPtr, mut gdnit gd.GDExtensionInitialization) gd.GDExtensionBool {
	gd.setup_lib(gpaddr, clp)

	// setup the `initialize` function
	gdnit.initialize = init_gd
	// setup the `deinitialize` function
	gdnit.deinitialize = deinit_gd

	// setup godot logger
	return 1

You also need to tell godot to load it. Create a gdexample.gdextension file in your godot project folder. Inside should look something like this:


entry_symbol = "hello_extension_entry"
compatibility_minimum = "4.1"

windows.debug.x86_64 = "res://<path to your built library>.dll"
windows.release.x86_64 = "res://<path to your built library>.dll"
linux.debug.x86_64 = "res://<path to your built library>.so"
linux.release.x86_64 = "res://<path to your built library>.so"

If things worked, you should see something like the following in the console:

PS C:\Users\jcwea\Desktop\Godot_v4.2.1-stable_mono_win64> .\Godot_v4.2.1-stable_mono_win64.exe
PS C:\Users\jcwea\Desktop\Godot_v4.2.1-stable_mono_win64> Godot Engine v4.2.1.stable.mono.official.b09f793f5 -
OpenGL API 3.3.0 NVIDIA 546.65 - Compatibility - Using Device: NVIDIA - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080

Editing project: C:/Users/jcwea/Documents/vgdextension_test
hello_extension_entry v4.2.1
Godot Engine v4.2.1.stable.mono.official.b09f793f5 -
Vulkan API 1.3.260 - Forward+ - Using Vulkan Device #0: NVIDIA - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080

registering class ExampleClass...

Learn more about GDExtension


gdextension for vlang







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