Set of dockerfiles to build a distributed mfem image with graphics. defaults to plasma-dev branch.
docker-opengl used to build new image based on Debian stretch with opengl support. MFEM image should be available with
docker pull jcwright/mfem:latest
Build instructions:
cd docker-opengl
docker build -t jcwright/opengl:stretch .
cd ..
docker build -t jcwright/wxpython:stretch -f Dockerfile.wxpython-base .
docker build -t jcwright/mfem -f Dockerfile.mfem .
Launch image and open desktop
docker run -d --name mfem -p 6080:6080 jcwright/mfem
http://localhost:6080/ #or appropriate docker-machine ip address
#in terminal in x11vnc
cd src/mfem/miniapps/plasma
./stix1d -no-vis -md 0.24 -ne 480 -dbcs '3 5' -s 3 -pc 3 -f 80e6 -B '0 0 5.4' -w J -slab '0 1 0 0.06 0.02' -num '2e20 2e20' -herm
Include viz:
#open new terminal
src/mfem/miniapps/plasma/stix1d -md 0.24 -ne 480 -dbcs '3 5' -s 3 -pc 3 -f 80e6 -B '0 0 5.4' -w J -slab '0 1 0 0.06 0.02' -num '2e20 2e20' -herm
Visualize on host screen.
#OSX instructions
#on host terminal
IP=$(ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk '$1=="inet" {print $2}')
docker run -it --rm --name mfem -e DISPLAY=$IP:0 -e XAUTHORITY=/.Xauthority --net host -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v ~/.Xauthority:/.Xauthority -p 6080:6080 jcwright/mfem
src/mfem/miniapps/plasma/stix1d -md 0.24 -ne 480 -dbcs '3 5' -s 3 -pc 3 -f 80e6 -B '0 0 5.4' -w J -slab '0 1 0 0.06 0.02' -num '2e20 2e20' -herm
#Windows instructions
glvis & #value from docker-machine, or localhost depending on windows docker implementation
docker run -it --rm --name mfem -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -p 6080:6080 jcwright/mfem
#may need to authorize connection depending on x11 emulator set up.
This last option may have timeout issues with x11.