Type 'make' in the ssfi directory
ssfi -d
[-h | -v | --N ] The executable that meets the requirements specified. Type -h to learn more about the process and what flags can be specified to the user. test_file_locator Tests the FileLocator class and verifies the text files under unit_test/. Asserts if the expected files are not present. test_parser. Tests the Parser class that reads in the files under unit_tests/ and validates that data was read in correctly. Asserts if the data read in does not match what was expected.My experience with boost prior to this exercise was minimal. I was quite impressed with it and would definitely look forward to using it along with C++11.
If I had enough time I would write a test for the worker queue Boost ASIO subclass I created.
My unit tests are very simple. They assert on simple checks and wouldn't provideothe best feedback to a developer, but are a starting point.