This is the OmniAuth strategy for authenticating with the Campaign Monitor API. You'll need to register an OAuth Application in your Campaign Monitor account to get a Client ID and Client Secret to use with this OmniAuth strategy.
Add a dependency to your Gemfile
then bundle install
gem "omniauth-createsend"
In Rack applications:
use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider "createsend", ENV["CREATESEND_CLIENT_ID"], ENV["CREATESEND_CLIENT_SECRET"], :scope => "ViewReports,CreateCampaigns,SendCampaigns"
In Rails applications:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider "createsend", ENV["CREATESEND_CLIENT_ID"], ENV["CREATESEND_CLIENT_SECRET"], :scope => "ViewReports,CreateCampaigns,SendCampaigns"
This gem also includes an example Rack application which demonstrates how to authenticate with the Campaign Monitor API using this OmniAuth strategy.
Once you've authenticated, you should use the createsend gem to access Campaign Monitor resources.
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