Ultrasimple CMS and content for Fluentd documentation. The production site is here.
If you'd like to propose an edit to the Fluentd docs, please fork this repo and send us a pull request.
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
$ bundle exec rake server
$ open "http://localhost:9395/"
$ heroku run rake index
$ git push heroku master
When you have updated an article, please update config/last_updated.json too.
$ bundle exec rake last_updated
$ git add config/last_updated.json
First, please create a symlink to the English article in order to prevent a 404 response.
$ cd docs $ make lang # e.g. de $ for f in *.txt; do ls lang/$f || ln -s ../$f lang/$f; done
After initialization, please remove the symlink and add the translated article. :)
$ bundle exec rake outdated
docs/ja/config-file.txt : 4 days, 10 hours
docs/ja/install-by-gem.txt : 13 hours
docs/ja/out_mongo.txt : 153 days, 19 hours
docs/ja/quickstart.txt : 14 hours
Following articles not to exist in "br":
Following article not to exist in "eu":
Following articles not to exist in "la":
You can use the "INCLUDE pragma" to avoid copy-and-pasting the same content or updates on multiple pages.
The syntax is as follows:
INCLUDE: <filename without extension>
... the rest of the document.
Please remember to include a blank line between "INCLUDE..." and the rest of the document.
The docs app will search for <filename>.txt in the docs
directory and insert its contents into the current document.
For example, if you write
INCLUDE: _buffer_parameters
... the rest of the document.
then the docs app will insert the contents of _buffer_parameters.txt into the current document.
This program is forked from heroku/heroku-docs, and originally written by @rtomayko and @adamwiggins. Later, modified by @kzk and @doryokujin.
Code is released under the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
All rights reserved on the content (text files in the docs subdirectory), although you're welcome to modify these for the purpose of suggesting edits.