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🐫 My PowerShell scripts and tools for setting up and configuring the Windows Sandbox


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Windows Sandbox Tools


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This repository is a collection of PowerShell tools and scripts that I use to run and configure the Windows Sandbox feature that was introduced in Windows 10 2004. Many of the commands in this repository were first demonstrated on my blog. I strongly recommend you read the blog post before trying any of the code. As I mention in the blog post, most of the code here will reduce the security of the Windows Sandbox application. This is a trade-off I am willing to make for the sake of functionality that meets my requirements. You have to decide how much of the code you would like to use.

All code is offered as-is with no guarantees. Nothing in this repository should be considered production-ready or used in critical environments without your extensive testing and validation.

Installing the Windows Sandbox

You need to have the 2004 version of Windows 10 or later. The Windows Sandbox will run a containerized version of your operating system. I don't know off-hand if it is supported on Windows 10 Home or Education editions. Otherwise, you should be able to run these PowerShell commands to get started:

Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Containers-DisposableClientVM
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Containers-DisposableClientVM

The WindowsSandBoxTools Module

I have created a PowerShell module called WindowsSandBoxTools. In this module are functions designed to make it easier to view a wsb configuration, create a new configuration, and export a configuration to a file. The module functions use several PowerShell class definitions.

You can read the Microsoft documentation on creating a Windows Sandbox configuration at The module commands are designed to abstract the process of creating the XML configuration files which have a .wsb extension.

Install the module from the PowerShell Gallery.

Install-Module WindowsSandboxTools

The module should work in Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7 on Windows platforms.

The Start-WindowsSandbox function is my primary tool. It has an alias of wsb. You can specify the path to the wsb file.


If you use the NoSetup parameter, it will launch the default Windows Sandbox. In either usage, you can specify display dimensions for the sandbox. The WindowSize parameter expects an array of width and height, like 1024,768. My default is 1920,1080. You may have to drag the window slightly to force the sandbox to redraw the screen and remove the horizontal scrollbar. Setting the display is tricky, and I don't know if what I am using will work for everyone, so if you don't get the results you expect, please post an issue.

The sandbox will start and then minimize while any configurations you may have are executed.

If you have created custom configurations, or intend to use the samples from this module, Get-WsbConfiguration will display information about the configuration.

PS C:\> Get-WsbConfiguration d:\wsb\simple.wsb
WARNING: No value detected for LogonCommand. This may be intentional on your part.

   Name: Simple

vGPU                 : Enable
MemoryInMB           : 8192
AudioInput           : Default
VideoInput           : Default
ClipboardRedirection : Default
PrinterRedirection   : Default
Networking           : Default
ProtectedClient      : Default
LogonCommand         :
MappedFolders        : C:\scripts -> C:\scripts [RO:False]

The command uses a custom format file to display the configuration. I have also found a way to insert metadata into the wsb file which (so far) doesn't appear to interfere with the Windows Sandbox application.

PS C:\> Get-WsbConfiguration d:\wsb\simple.wsb -MetadataOnly

Author     Name   Description                                       Updated
------     ----   -----------                                       -------
Jeff Hicks Simple a simple configuration with mapping to C:\Scripts 12/10/2021 8:50:03 AM

This is how you can create a new Windows Sandbox configuration.

$params = @{
 Networking = "Default"
 LogonCommand = "c:\data\demo.cmd"
 MemoryInMB = 2048
 PrinterRedirection = "Disable"
 MappedFolder = (New-WsbMappedFolder -HostFolder d:\data -SandboxFolder c:\data -ReadOnly)
 Name = "MyDemo"
 Description = "A demo WSB configuration"
$new = New-WsbConfiguration  @params

The LogonCommand value is relative to the WindowsSandbox. This code will create a wsbConfiguration object.

   Name: MyDemo

vGPU                 : Default
MemoryInMB           : 2048
AudioInput           : Default
VideoInput           : Default
ClipboardRedirection : Default
PrinterRedirection   : Disable
Networking           : Default
ProtectedClient      : Default
LogonCommand         : c:\data\demo.cmd
MappedFolders        : d:\data -> c:\data [RO:True]

You could modify this object as necessary.

$new.vGPU = "Enable"
$new.Metadata.Updated = Get-Date

The last step is to export the configuration to a wsb file.

$new | Export-WsbConfiguration -Path d:\wsb\demo.wsb

Which will create this file:

    <Description>A demo WSB configuration</Description>
    <Updated>07/10/2022 15:40:54</Updated>

I can easily launch this configuration.

Start-WindowsSandbox -Configuration D:\wsb\demo.wsb

Use this command to create a mapped folder object.

$map = New-WsbMappedFolder -HostFolder c:\work -SandboxFolder c:\work

Once created, you can use this in a new configuration.

New-WsbConfiguration -Name work -MappedFolder $map -Description "Work sandbox"

After you have created a new configuration, you will want to save it to a file.

New-WsbConfiguration -Name work -LogonCommand "$wsbScripts\basic.cmd" -MemoryInMB (4096*2) -MappedFolder (New-WsbMappedFolder -HostFolder d:\work -SandboxFolder c:\work) -Description "My work WSB configuration" | Export-WsbConfiguration -Path "$wsbConfigPath\work.wsb"

The exported file must have a .wsb file extension. Save the file to your $wsbConfigPath location.

You should get a file like this:

    <Description>My work WSB configuration</Description>
    <Updated>07/18/2022 15:43:24</Updated>

My Configuration Scripts

My default configuration script takes about 4 minutes to complete. I use the BurntToast module to show a Windows Action Center notification when it is complete.

When you import the module, it will define two global variables. $wsbConfigPath points to the location of your wsb files. $wsbScripts points to the location of your supporting scripts. By default, these variables will point to directories in the module root. You will most like want to update these variables to point to your location. I set this in my PowerShell profile script.

You need to verify and update path references if you use any of the configurations or scripts in this module.


This is a list of items I'd like to address or handle more efficiently:

  • Look for a way to organize script components used for LogonCommand settings.
  • Use a default shared folder that can be a bit more generic.
  • Add a better way to provide or integrate toast notifications.
  • Create a graphical interface for creating configurations.

Feel free to post enhancment suggestions in Issues.