- Create by Jakub Jedlicka
- School project BPC2I
- School BUT FEEC
- school login: xjedli24 ; Id: 198597 ; email: xjedli24@stud.feec.vutbr.cz
- personal email: jedlayt@gmail.com !for communication use this email and always subject with name of app
school project of company database
- 4 type of employee
- Assistant( type1)
- Technical worker(type1, type2)
- Developer(type2, type3)
- Director(CEO)(tepe1, type2, type3)
- 3 type of work
- show info about worker itself ==(type1)
- print nabe by reverse ==(type2)
- numbers of vowels == (type3) \czech vowels
- what you can
- add employee
- low cost divide work for all type
- delete work with low cost again
- ask employee to do his work (type)
- fire employee again low cost divide
- set employee ill again low cost divede when is that posible
- set emploeyy go well from ill
- set employee obligation, max hour per month
- company financial situation
- show all employee by id or last name
- save database employee to person.csv
- load database employee from person.csv
- exit program
for start app download ProjectCompanyDatabase.jar use commandline and change to directory by dir to location where is TaleOfHorizon.jar located use command java -jar ProjectCompanyDatabase.jar to execute file and you can play now