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Best Practices

Jeff Campbell edited this page Jun 14, 2021 · 2 revisions

Best Practices

Filtering Types

The types a DataProvider can inspect can be limited to a subset by taking advantage of the AssembliesConfig. This enables a plugin to limit types inspected to only those from certain assemblies.

This feature can be used by implementing IConfigurable and use AssembliesConfig to acquire the config settings for which assemblies should be searched if enabled.

Example Implementation

/// <inheritdoc />
public CodeGeneratorData[] GetData()
	var codeGenData = new List<CodeGeneratorData>();
	var filteredTypeSymbols =

	return codeGenData.ToArray();

Automating copying custom plugins to your Genesis.CLI installation

In order to easily iterate on custom Genesis plugins, I will often add a post-build copy step to the C# assembly project they are contained in so that whenever built they will be automatically included with the installation. The snippet below would be added as a child element of the root Project XML element.

<Target Name="CopyBuildArtifacts" AfterTargets="Build">
      <DataFiles Include="$(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)**\*.*" />
   <Copy SourceFiles="@(DataFiles)" DestinationFolder="$(ProjectDir)..\..\GenesisCLI\Plugins\%(RecursiveDir)" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" />