pycassa is a Thrift-based python client library for Apache Cassandra
pycassa does not support CQL or Cassandra's native protocol, which are a replacement for the Thrift interface that pycassa is based on. If you are starting a new project, it is highly recommended that you use the newer DataStax python driver instead of pycassa.
pycassa is open source under the MIT license.
Documentation can be found here:
It includes installation instructions, a tutorial, API documentation, and a change log.
- Use the #cassandra channel on If you don't have an IRC client, you can use freenode's web based client.
Mailing List:
- User list:
- Developer list:
If pip is available, you can install the lastest pycassa release with:
pip install pycassa
If you want to install from a source checkout, make sure you have Thrift installed, and run as a superuser:
pip install thrift
python install
To get a connection pool, pass a Keyspace and an optional list of servers:
>>> import pycassa
>>> pool = pycassa.ConnectionPool('Keyspace1') # Defaults to connecting to the server at 'localhost:9160'
>>> # or, we can specify our servers:
>>> pool = pycassa.ConnectionPool('Keyspace1', server_list=[''])
To use the standard interface, create a ColumnFamily instance.
>>> pool = pycassa.ConnectionPool('Keyspace1')
>>> cf = pycassa.ColumnFamily(pool, 'Standard1')
>>> cf.insert('foo', {'column1': 'val1'})
>>> cf.get('foo')
{'column1': 'val1'}
insert() will also update existing columns:
>>> cf.insert('foo', {'column1': 'val2'})
>>> cf.get('foo')
{'column1': 'val2'}
You may insert multiple columns at once:
>>> cf.insert('bar', {'column1': 'val3', 'column2': 'val4'})
>>> cf.multiget(['foo', 'bar'])
{'foo': {'column1': 'val2'}, 'bar': {'column1': 'val3', 'column2': 'val4'}}
>>> cf.get_count('bar')
get_range() returns an iterable. You can use list() to convert it to a list:
>>> list(cf.get_range())
[('bar', {'column1': 'val3', 'column2': 'val4'}), ('foo', {'column1': 'val2'})]
>>> list(cf.get_range(row_count=1))
[('bar', {'column1': 'val3', 'column2': 'val4'})]
You can remove entire keys or just a certain column:
>>> cf.remove('bar', columns=['column1'])
>>> cf.get('bar')
{'column2': 'val4'}
>>> cf.remove('bar')
>>> cf.get('bar')
Traceback (most recent call last):
pycassa.NotFoundException: NotFoundException()
See the tutorial for more details.