A static code analysis tool to ensure users enter correct syntax to javascript code challenges.
Demo the app here.
npm install
bower install
npm start
Go to:
npm test
Test the Structure:
1. Type 'function test(a) { }' quickly, without stopping
2. Stop typing for 1 second
3. Verify error appears above editor: 'MUST have 2 parameters e.g. function test(a,b)'
4. Add a second parameter to what you just typed e.g., 'function test(a,b) { }'
5. Verify error disappears
Test Whitelist Functionality:
1. Type 'function test(a,b) { if(true) {} }' quickly, without stopping
2. Stop typing for 1 second
3. Verify error appears above editor: 'MUST use WHILE loop inside function block'
4. Add a While loop inside function block e.g., 'function test(a,b) { if(true) { } while(true) { } }'
5. Verify error disappears
Test Blacklist Functionality:
1. Type 'function test(a,b) { while(true) { } while(true) { } }' quickly, without stopping
2. Stop typing for 1 second
3. Verify error appears above editor: 'Must NOT have more than 1 While loop inside function block'
4. Erase one of the While loops e.g., 'function test(a,b) { while(true) { } }'
5. Verify error disappears
I really enjoyed working on this, it was really fun learning about the Abstract Syntax Tree, Esprima, Estraverse, Escodegen, and the Ace code editor!
Things I learned:
- It was much easier to start off making all required functionality work with HTML text area first, then incorporate Ace code editor afterward.
- Another challenge was sometimes when you install a new library, it may not work well with your existing code base. For example, once estraverse.js was installed there was a module loader error and I learned I had to install and configure the 'json-loader' package to webpack.config. Likewise, when I tried to use the react-ace library, there was a different error about not being able to read 'acequire' of undefined. I eventually scrapped react-ace and aimed for a lightweight wrapper for ace code editor.
- This was my first time using estraverse.js; it's very powerful for quick iteration.
- I learned that with Esprima, when you type code that is not well-formed, Esprima will throw an error in the console e.g., 'Uncaught Error: Line 1: Unexpected token('. This makes sense because Esprima wasnt able to create a well-formed AST from it.
- Another important thing I learned was how to use clearTimeout and setTimeout to simulate a dynamic user experience.
Ace code editor
(planned) - Mocha
(planned) - Chai
(planned) - Redux
(planned) - Deploy on Heroku