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This is here to give you an idea of the functions and data structures you will need to use to use this code in your own code.

This is not the best guide and does not cover everything, but I hope it will help.


See minExamples for a minimal C example. It currently is only for the Needleman without gap extension penalties, but should give you an idea on the flow of this code.

Reading in sequences

Sequences are stored in the seqStruct, which is struct-01 of seqStruct.h. seqStruct stores the sequence id, sequence, and q-score entries. It also stores the length of the id, sequence, and q-score and the size of each buffer storing the id, sequence, and q-score.

An seqStruct should be initialized with the initSeqST function (fun-07 in seqStruct.h) only for the first use. After initialization use the blankSeqST() function (fun-08 seqStruct.h) to reset the structure to no sequence.

Use the freeSeqST function (fun-09 general/seqStruct.h) to clean up a heap allocated seqStruct. freeSeqST takes a pointer to an seqStruct structure to free. Use blankSeqST (fun-08 general/seqStruct.h) to free an seqStruct that is on the stack (the sequence will be on the heap).

A sequence can be read in from a fastq file using the readFqSeq function (fun-02 in general/seqStruct.h) or fasta file using the readFaSeq function (fun-03 in general/seqStruct.h). Both functions take a pointer to the FILE with the sequence and a pointer to an seqStruct structure. The FILE pointer will be set to the next entry in the fasta/fastq file.

If you compiled alnSetStruct.c without -DNOSEQCNVT, then you will also need to run seqToLookupIndex() (Fun-09 in general/alnSetStruct.h) to convert each base in a sequence to its index in the look up table. You can You can reconvert the sequence back to nucleotides with lookupIndexToSeq() (Fun-10 in general/alnSetStruct/h). Both lookupIndexToSeq and seqToLookUpIndex require a c-string (seqStruct.seqCStr), which is modified. Sll output bases will be in uppercase. These functions do nothing when -DNOSEQCNVT is used.

You can reverse complement a sequence using the reverseComplementSeq() function (fun-05 in general/seqStruct.h).

/*Here is an example.*/

FILE faFILE = fopen("sequence.fasta", "r");
struct seqStruct sequence;

if(faFILE == 0) return 0;

if(sequence == 0)
  return 0;


switch(readFaSeq(faFILE, &sequence))
{ /*Switch: Check what kind of error*/
  case 0:
    sequence = 0;
    return 0;        /*EOF*/

  case 1:
  case 2:
    sequence = 0;
    return 0;        /*invalid file*/

  case 64:
    sequence = 0;
    return 0;       /*memory error*/
} /*Switch: Check what kind of error*/

/*Only if aligning sequences*/

/*Do alignment*/


/*Do something with the alignment*/


Alignment settings

Settings for the alignment settings are stored in the alnSet structure (struct-01 general/alnSetStruct.h). This structure holds the output line wrap size, which alignment to run, if you are doing a reference/query scan, the scoring matrix, the gap extension penalty, the gap starting penalty, the min score to keep an alternative alignment, and the order to prefer a single direction. The default values for these settings can all be modified in general/alnSeqDefaults.h.

You can initialize an alnSet structure using the initAlnSet() function (fun-11 in general/alnSetStruct.h). This will set all values in the alnSet structure to the default values in alnSeqDefaults.h.

For changing the scoring matrix you can use the setBasePairScore() function (fun-01 in general/alnSetStruct.h) to change the value for individual base pairs in a matrix or use the readInScoreFile() function (fun-07 general/alnSetStruct.h) to read in a scoring matrix. This scoring matrix is different than the normal format, so see scoring-matrix.txt for an example of my format.

For changing the match matrix (used in determing if had an match or a snp) you can use the setIfBpMatch() function (fun-02 in general/alnSetStruct.h) to change the value for individual base pairs in a matrix or use the readInMatchFile() function (fun-08 general/alnSetStruct.h) to read in a match matrix. This scoring matrix is different than the normal format, so see match-matrix.txt for an example of my format. Each match is treated as a 1 for is a match or 0 for is not a match.

Changing the non-scoring values for an alnSet structure requires you to manually change them. If the value ends in Bl, then it should only ever be a 1 or 0.

Finally you can free the alnSet structure that was put on the heap using the freeAlnSet() function (fun-04 in general/alnSetStruct.h). This takes in a pointer to an alnSet structure. Currently the alnSet structure does not allocate variables on the heap. However, there is a stack free (freeAlnSetStack) function (fun-03 general/alnSetStruct.h) which is present for future uses.

An example

struct alnSet settings;
FILE *matrixFILE = fopen("scoring-matrix.txt", "r");

if(matrixFILE == 0) return ERROR;

if(settings == 0)
  return ERROR;

readInScoreFile(&alnSetST, matrixFILE);

/*Do something*/


return 0;

Doing an alignment

General and default aligners

All alignment programs in alnSeq take three inputs, the query sequence as a seqStruct first, follwed by the reference sequence as an seqStruct, and then an alnSet structure with the alignment settings.

The return values for each program can very. The Needleman and Waterman alignments return an alnMatrix structure if not doing alignments using or an two bit matrix or alnMatrixTwo bit structerfor alignments using a two bit matrix. The Hirschbeg returns an alnStruct, while the memory efficent waterman returns an alnMatrix structure with the index's for the alignment, but no matrix.

alnSeq can do either an Needleman Wunsch, Hirschberg, or an Waterman Smith alignment. The Needleman Wunsch alignment is done by the NeedlemanAln function (fun-01 in needleman/needleman.h). The Hirschberg is done by Hirschberg() (fun-02 hirschberg.h/hirschberg.h). The Waterman is done WatermanAln (fun-01 waterman/waterman.h). The memory efficent Waterman is the memWater() function (fun-01 memWater/memWater.h).

Variations for each alignment algorithm

For the Waterman and memWater alignments you can also do a query reference scan; waterScan (fun-01 waterman/waterScan.h) and memWaterScan.h (fun-01 memWater/memWaterScan.h).

For the Needleman you can also align without gap extension penalties (NeedleAlnNoGap(); fun-01 in needleman/needleNoGap.h), uses a two bit matrix (lower memory, but takes more time) (fun-01 needleman/needleTwoBit.h), and a Needleman that uses a two bit matrix and no gap extension penalty (fun-01 needleman/needleTwoBitNoGap.h)

For the Hirschberg you can also do an alignment without gap extension penalties with HirschbergNoGap ( fun-02 in hirschberg/hirschbergNoGap.h).

For the Waterman you can do an alignment without gap extension penalties with WatermanAlnNoGap() (fun-01 in waterman/watermanNoGap.h), with two bit arrays with waterTwoBit() (fun-01 in waterman/waterTwoBit.h), and with two bit arrays and without gap extension penalties with WaterTwoBitNoGap() (fun-01 in waterman/waterTwoBitNoGap.h).

For the query reference Wateman scans you can also not use gap extension penalties with WaterScanNoGap (fun-01 waterman/waterScanNoGap.h), using two bit arrays with WaterScanTwoBit (fun-01 waterman/waterScanTwoBit.h), and with two bit arrays and no gap extension penalites with waterScanTwoBitNoGap() (fun-01 waterman/waterScanTwoBitNoGap.h).

All alignment functions take an pointer to an seqStruct structure with the reference sequence, an pointer to an seqStruct structure with the query sequence, and an pointer to a alignment settings structure.

The Needleman Wunsch, Waterman Smith, and query/reference scan waterman alignments will return an alnMatrixStruct structure (struct-01 alnMatrixStruct.h). The alnMatrixStruct has the directional matrix, best score (Waterman)/ending score (Needleman), and the extra scores kept for the reference/query scan (if was called for).

For the memory efficent Waterman you can do an alignment that does not use gap extension penalties (only gap open) with memWaterNoGap (fun-01 memWater/memWaterNoGap.h). You can also do an alignment with gap extension penalties for the memWater with memWaterScanNoGap() (fun-01 memWater/memWaterScanNoGap.h).

What to do after the alignment

The Needleman, Waterman, and memory efficient Waterman all the end of the alignment (matrix->bestEndIndexUL). They also return the best score (matrix->bestScoreL). However, the Needleman and Waterman also return a directional matrix (matrix->dirMatrix) which can be converted to an alnStruct (struct-01 general/alnStruct.h) by using the ending index with dirMatrixToAln() (fun-05 general/alnStruct.h) and the ending index position or twoBitDirMatrixToAln() (fun-06 general/alnStruct.h) for matrix's that used two bit arrays. This alnStruct can then be used to get an alignment with alnSTToSeq (fun-04 general/alnStruct.h) or prnted with printAln (fun-15 general/alnStruct.h).

The memory efficent Waterman will also return a starting index (matrix->bestStartIndexUL). The starting and ending index's can be converted to the rerence and query position using indexToCoord() (fun-09 in general/alnMatrixStruct.h). This is a macro that takes in the reference length (matrix->lenRefUL), index, variable to hold the reference coordinate (do not use pointers), and the variable to hold the query coordinate (again do not use pointers).

The query reference scans also modfiy the alnMatrix or alnTwoBitMatrix to hold the scores for each kept base (matrix->scoreAryL), the starting index of each kept score (matrix->startIndexAryUL), the ending index of each kept score (matrix->endIndexAryUL), and a variable telling the number of maximum kept scores (matrix->lenArraysUL).

Once you are finished with the matrix you can free it with the freeAlnMatrix() function (fun-05 in general/alnMatrixStruct.h) or for matrixs with two bit arrays use freeAlnMatrixTwoBit() (fun-06 in gernal/alnMatrixStruct.h).

struct seqStruct querySeq;
struct seqStruct refSeq;
struct alnSet settings;

struct alnMatrix *matrix = 0;
struct alnStruct *alignmentST = 0;

FILE *faFILE = 0;


faFILE = fopen("query.fasta", "r");
if(faFILE == 0) return 0;

switch(readFaSeq(faFILE, &querySeq))
/*Check to see if read in sequence & handle errors here*/

faFILE = fopen("ref.fasta", "r");

if(faFILE == 0)
/*Handle file error here*/


switch(readFaSeq(faFILE, &refSeq))
/*Check to see if read in sequence & handle errors here*/

queryST.endAlnUI = queryST.lenSeqUI;
queryST.offsetUI = 0;

refST.endAlnUI = refST.lenSeqUI;
refST.offsetUI = 0;

matrix = WatermanAln(&querySeq, &refSeq, &settings);
alignmentST =

/* or matrix = NeedlemanAln(&querySeq,&refSeq,&settings);
` or alignmentST = Hirschberg(&querySeq,&refSeq,&settings);

/* Memory efficent waterman
`  bestScoreST = memWaterAln(&queryST, &refST, &settings);
`  if(bestScoreST == 0) 
`  {
`   // Handle Errors
`  }
`  indexToCoord(
`     matrix->lenRefUL, 
`     matrix->bestStartIndexUL,
`     refST.offsetUL,
`     queryST.offsetUL
`  );
`  indexToCoord(
`     matrix->lenRefUL, 
`     matrix->bestStartIndexUL,
`     refST.endAlnUL,
`     queryST.endAlnUL
`  );
`  alignmentST = Hirschberg(&refST, &queryST, &settings);

/*Do something with alignment here*/

if(bestScoreST != 0) freeScoresST(bestScoreST, 0);
if(matrix != 0) freeAlnMatrixST(matrix);
if(alignmentST != 0) freeAlnST(alignmentST, 1);
freeSeqST(&refSeq, 0);
freeSeqST(&qrySeq, 0);
freeAlnSet(settings, 0);

Printing alignments

Printing alternative alignments from a scan

Alternative alignments can be printed with the printAltWaterAlns function (fun-01 general/genScan.h). This function takes the alnMatrix or alnMatrixTowBit structure returned by WatermanScan and memWaterScan, a min score to keep an alternative alignment, and an output file.

Printing primary alignments

To print out the alignment you first have to create an alnStruct. This is already done for the Hirschberg alignment, but not for the Needleman or Waterman alignments.

Converting the directional matrix to an alignment array is done with the dirMatrixToAln) or towBitDirMatrixToAln (fun-05 and fun-06 in general/alnStruct.h). These functions take in a pointer to an seqStruct structure with the reference sequence, an pointer to an seqStruct structure with the query sequence, the index of the end of the alignment (matrix->bestEndIndexUL or matrix->endIndexAryUL[position], and the directional matrix returned from the Needleman or Waterman alignment.

After building the alignment array you can then free the alnMatrixStruct structure. Just remember to save the best score before freeing the alnMatrix structure.

You can print out the alignment stored in the alnStruct using the printAln function (fun-15 in general/alnStruct.h).

Just make sure to free the alignment array structure (alnStruct) with freeAlnST(alnStruct);.

char *alignedQuery = 0;
char *alignedRef = 0;
long bestScoreL = 0;
struct alnStruct *alignment = 0;

/*Other variables, such as the output file*/


matrix = WatermanAln(refSeqST, querySeqST, settings);

/*Get the alignment array*/
alignment =
); /*Build the alignment array*/

bestScoreL = matrix->bestScoreL;


if(alignment == 0)
  /*Handle memory errors*/

/*Printing out the structure*/


  outFILE,              /*File to output to*/
  outFileStr,           /*File name*/
  settings,             /*unsigned short from alnSetStruct*/
  alignment             /*alnStruct*/
  scoreMatrixFileNamea  /*Name of user input score matrix*/
    /*Use defMatrixNameStr if using the default matrix*/



freeAlnST(alignment, 1);
freeAlnSet(settings, 0);

return 0;

Two bit arrays

All twoBit functions are static inlined (only a twoBitArrays.h file).

The two bit array is an array of uint8_t's that each hold four two bit elements. This array is stored in a twoBitAry structure (struct-01 twoBitArrays.h). The twoBitAry structure has a pointer to the first unit8_t (limb) in the array (firstLimbUCPtr), a pointer to the limb currently one (limbOnUCPtr), a counter telling which element we are on in the limb, and the length of the array.

You can create a twoBitAry structure using the makeTwoBit function (fun-12 in twoBitArrys.h). This function will return a two bit array structure allocated on the head with a two bit array of the requested size. The inputs are the number of elements in the two bit array and 0. However, if you wish to not make an array you can use twoBitStruct = makeTowBit(0, 1).

When finished the two bit array can be freed with the freeTwoBit function (fun-14 twoBitArrays.h). This takes a pointer to the twoBitAry structure to free, a 1 or 0 (free structure) to tell if to not free the structure, and a 1 or 0 (free array) to tell if to free the array stored in the structure. If you free the structure, make sure you set the pointer to null.

Their are several functions that are used to move around the two bit array, most of which only take a pointer to a two bit array structure or a pointer to the structure and a additional value.

To get the current two bit element on in the array use the getTwoBitElm() function (fun-01 twoBitArrays.h). To move forward one element use

You can get the index of the element you are on in the two bit array using the twoBitIndex() function (fun-17 twoBitArrays.h).

You can get the length of the two bit array by using the twoBitGetLen() function (fun-16 twoBitArrays.c).

To change the current element on in a two bit array use the changeTwoBitElm() function (fun-08 in twoBitArrays.h)

You can do a shallow copy of the two bit array by using the cpTwoBitPos() function (fun-13 twoBitArrays.h). This will allow you to work on the same two bit array with two separate pointers.

You can move forward in a two bit array using the twoBitMvToNextElm() (fun-03 twoBitArrays.h) and twoBitMvForXElm functions (fun-04 twoBitArrays.h). You can also use the twoBitMvXElmFromStart() function (fun-15 twoBitArrays.h) to move from the starting index instead of the current position.

You can move backwards in a two bit array using the twoBitMvBackOnElm() (fun-05 twoBitArrays.h) and twoBitMvBackXElm functions (fun-06 twoBitArrays.h).

Finally if you need to blank a limb to 0 you can use the blankTwoBitLimb() function (fun-09 twoBitArrays.h).

/*An example of using two bit arrays*/

struct twoBitAry *twoBitST = makeTwoBit(10, 0);

/*Add some values into the array*/
changeTwoBitElm(twoBitST, 1);

changeTwoBitElm(twoBitST, 0);

changeTwoBitElm(twoBitST, 3);

/*Move back to the start of the array*/
twoBitMvXElmFromStart(twoBitST, 0);

/*Print out the first element*/
printf("%u\n", getETwoBitElm(twoBitST);

freeTwoBit(twoBitST, 0, 0);
twoBitST = 0;
return 0;