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AlnSeq runs a c coded Smith Waterman, Needleman Wunsch, and an Hirschberg.


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No longer mainting this repository. See bioTools for more updated code. Here because the newer version has changed a lot.


AlnSeq uses a Smith Waterman and Needleman Wunsch alignment that can run with memory usage of O(n * m / 4) bytes (-two-bit) to O(n * m) bytes. However, the -two-bit method is twice as slow as a traditional Smith Waterman and Needleman Wunsch alignment. AlnSeq also includes an Hirschberg alignment and a memory efficent Waterman alignment that operates with linear memory usage, but only returns the score, and the starting and ending cooridinates.

AlnSeq is a standalone program that can also be compiled as a python library.

There are faster then any program currently in alnSeq and ususe less memory then alnSeq's traditional Waterman, but not less memory then its memory efficent Waterman. One example is the stripped Waterman Smith alignment, which I think reduces both scoring and direction matrix to just a few rows. See for an very fast striped Waterman Smith aligner. This one does have an issue when the alignment exceeds 33,000 bases. However, I think there are alternatives without this issues.

This program is dual licensed for MIT and CC0. Pick the license which works best for you.

Current work

Right now I am back to work on this project. Things will go a bit slowly, but I hope to get this finshed.

Currently I need to complete vectorizing the Hirschberg and fix some minor bugs.

Building and running alnSeq

C standalone

How to complie alnSeq as a standalone

# How to install this program

# Install at /usr/local/bin (need root privilage)
sudo make install

# Use a different install path
make install PREFIX=/path/to/install

# Manual install
mv alnSeq /path/to/install
chmod a+x /path/to/install/alnSeq

The compiled alnSeq program in this repository was compild on void linux with musl. It should work on any linux OS.

Standalone, extra build options (standalone only)

The flags alnSeq can be compiled with are:

    • This prevents the conversion of each base in the query and reference sequences to an index for alignment.
    • This option slows down the alignment slightly. The only reason to use this option would be if the input case of a sequence matters.
    • Use the full (127 elements) ascii table for the scoring and matching matrix.
  • These options force alnSeq to prefer only one direction and disables all other options. This does speed up alnSeq slightly.
    • It only applies when the insertion (ins), snp, or deletion (del) scores for a base pair are equal.
    • -DINSDELSNP (on by default)

You can compile with these flags using make CFLAGS="flag". You can also compile multiple flags with make CFLAGS="falg1 flag2". One example is the make fast command, which uses make CFLAGS="-DNOSEQCNVT -DDELINSSNP -DWORDS".

How to run standalone alnSeq

# help message
alnSeq -h | less

# Get flags set when compiling alnSeq
alnSeq -flags | less

# Alignment formats 

## For a global alignment (Needleman Wunsch)
alnSeq -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta > alignment.aln

## For a Hirschberg global alignment (slow, but low memory
# usage)
alnSeq -use-hirschberg -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta > alignment.aln

## For a single local alignment (Waterman Smith)
alnSeq -use-water -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta > out.aln

## For a very slow, but more memory efficent Waterman
alnSeq -use-mem-water -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta > out.aln

## For no gap penalities (all aligners)
alnSeq -use-hirschberg -no-gapextend -ref ref.fa -query query.fa > out.aln

## With two bit arrays (Needleman and Waterman only)
alnSeq -use-needle -two-bit -ref ref.fa -query query.fa > out.aln

# File formatting

## Output an EMBOSS like file
alnSeq -format-emboss -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta -out out.aln

## Output a clustal file
alnSeq -format-clustal -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta -out out.aln

## Output a fasta file
alnSeq -format-fasta -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta -out out.aln

## Trim sequences
alnSeq -print-aligned -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta -out out.aln

## Print positions for non EMBOSS files
alnSeq -print-positions -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta -out out.aln

Python library

How to complie alnSeq as a python library

For python alnSeq is compiled with -DDELINSSNP. This install expects a gcc compile (minigw or cygin for windows).

You can change the compiler used with CC, but nothing else.

# Global install (need root permision)
make python

# Local install (requires pip)
make python local

Using the python functions

The python wrapper functions take in an reference and query sequence and returns an aligned reference and query sequence. The returned item is a list, which has the reference sequence (ret[0]), the query sequence (ret[1]), and a score (ret[2]; is always 0 for the Hirschberg).

Required arguments are a reference (first argument or ref = sequence) and query sequence (second argument or query = sequence).

alignedRef,alignedQuery = alnSeqfunction(refSeq,querySeq)

Optional arguments include:

  • gap opening score (gapOpen = -10)
  • gap extension score (gapExtend = -1)
  • do not use the gap extension score (noGapBool = 1)
  • Use two bit arrays (Needle/Water only) (twoBitBool = 1)
  • The path to a scoring matrix (scoreMatrix = /path/to/matrix.txt)
    • see scoring-matrix.txt for an example.
  • The Waterman Smith alignment prints out only the aligned regions. This can be disabled with fullAln=True.

These options are not working as expected, do not use:

  • reference start position (refStart = 0)
  • reference ending position (refEnd = length(seq) - 1)
  • query start position (queryStart = 0)
  • query ending position (queryEnd = length(seq) - 1)

Function names:

  • alnSeqHirsch (Hirschberg)
  • alnSeqNeedle (Needleman Wunsch)
  • alnSeqWater (Waterman Smith)

Explaining alnSeq

What is alnSeq?

AlnSeq is an sequence alignment program that uses either a Needleman Wunsch, Hirschberg, or Smith Waterman alignment algorithm. AlnSeq is unique from a traditional Needleman Wunsch or Smith Waterman in how it handles the scoring matrix and the direction matrix.

One thing I do want to point out is that there are very memory efficient algorithms, such as the striped Waterman Smith alignment, for optimal local alignments.

The direction matrix

The two bit option for the Needleman and Waterman in alnSeq stores each direction in two bits. These bits are packed into an 8 bit integer. This reduces the directional matrix size by 4, but comes at the cost of slower speed (about 2x slower). This also means that only one direction is stored, instead of all possible alternatives.

The scoring matrix (Needleman/Waterman)

AlnSeq also reduces the scoring matrix down to one row, which holds the last scores or the previously updated scores. This removes the scoring matrix, but also removes the ability to scan the scoring matrix for other high scores, which is sometimes done for an Waterman Smith alignment. The best score is found while building the matrix.

AlnSeq also supports alternative alignments with -query-ref-scan by storing the best score for each reference base and each query base (Starting positions, ending positions, score). The score, an index for the start of the alignment in a matrix, and an index for the end of the alignment in the matrix. Index's are converted to actual positions on the query and reference and then printed out with the scores. The file to print to by default is the file with the alignment, but this can be changed with -alt-out (use "-alt-out -" to print to stdout). One warning is that there is no filter currently, so this will print out everything that is at or above -min-score. This includes duplicate scores.

To reduce duplicates I only recored scores that are for snps. I also spit out if the reference or query base has priority for the score by the positon on the matrix. If I am on the first half of the refernce I will allow the reference base to keep the score. This increases my chances of getting a score in the lower left quadrent. For the last half of the reference I let the query base have priority for the score. This should increase my chances of getting a score in the upper right quadrent. However, nothing is garunteed.

            Reference       Query
               Gets          Gets
              Highest       Highest
               Score         Score
Start of  |             |              |
  Full    | Upper left  | Upper right  | Parital alignments
Alignment |             |              |
Parital   |             |              |
Alignment | Lower left  | Lower right  | Full alignment
          |             |              |

My memory efficient Waterman

The more memory efficient Waterman is slow, but it also uses memory in linear time. It is like the alternative alignment step (-query-ref-scan), except that it is designed to work on a single directional row. It returns the best score, start of the alignment, and the end of the alignment. I then use the Hirschberg to find the best alignment. This means for you have to pay the time cost of the alternative alignment and Hirschberg steps. If you want to save time you can use "-only-scores" to just print out the scores and starting positions.

Some light benchmarking

Benchmarking setup


For each benchmark I am using four different lengths of genomes. The small genome is ~1700 bases, the Mid genome is ~10000 bases, the large genome is roughly ~27000 bases, and the huge genome (or ramkiller) is around ~199980 bases. However, I am currently removing the huge genomes from my graphs (in datasets), because not all programs can align them in under 32 Gb.

Each test size has a reference and query, which are similar and aligned to each other 10 times. I am also aligning each size to all the other genome sizes. In these cases I do two runs, one with the smaller size as the reference and the other with the larger size as the reference. Each test/run is replicated 10 times.

For the python test I am using Align.PairwiseAlign from biopython 1.82, sequence_aligner, and the python library for alnSeq (this repository). I am using pairwiseAlign from biopython because it is was the faster aligner in the benchmark done in the sequence_aligner repository. I am using sequence_aligner, because it is one of the more popular python Needleman libraries.

For the standalone test I am using EMBOSS version, bioalignment, ssw_test, and alnSeq. EMBOSS was used because it is a large toolkit. Bioalignment was used because it was a popular Hirschberg, ssw_test was used because it is one of the faster Smith Waterman.

Time, memory, and CPU usage were recorded with gnu time (/usr/bin/time -f "%e\t%M\t%P"). Programs were benchmarked on a computer with an Intel i7-6700K CPU (4.00GHz) with 32 Gb of memory.

Python library results

Time usage in seconds to align genomes with each python library.

Figure 1: Time usage in seconds to align genomes with each python library.

We compared the time usage it took biopython's pairwise aligner, sequence aligner, and alnSeq to align 1700 nucleotide to 27000 nucleotide long genomes. We found that alnSeq was slightly faster than biopython, which was often faster than sequence_aligner (Figure 1). However, biopython was slower than sequence_aligner for the small/small genome alignment (Figure 1).

Memory usage in seconds to align genomes with each python library.

Figure 2: Memory usage in seconds to align genomes with each python library.

We compared the memory usage of pairwise aligner from biopython, sequence_aligner, and alnSeq. We found that alnSeq and biopython used less memory than sequence_aligner when the same algorithms were compared (Needleman to Needleman or Hirschberg to Hirschbergj) (Figure 2). Biopython used more memory for the smaller alignments than alnSeq, but the memory difference became very small as larger genomes were aligned (Figure 2).

As expected the Needleman aligners used more memory than the Hirschberg aligners (Figure 2).

Percent CPU used to align genomes with each python library.

Figure 3: Percentage of CPU used to align genomes with each python library.

The CPU usage was compared for all three python libraries. As expected both alnSeq and sequence_aligner used 100% (one thread) (Figure 3). However, biopython used at least two threads. The impact of the extra threads used by biopython seemed to decrease as larger genomes were aligned (Figure 3).

Overall, it looks like the pairwise aligner from biopython was better than sequence_aligner for the non-Hirschberg alignment. Biopython also has settings for gap extension and gap opening scores, while alnSeq only applies the gap extension penalties, and sequence_aligner applies neither. Compared to alnSeq, biopython had similar speed, which means that biopython would and would likely be as fast or faster than alnSeq if it did not use gap ending penalties.

What it really comes down to is this. If memory is a concern, then use the Hirschberg from alnSeq. However, if memory is not a concern, then use biopython.

I will note there could be better, programs I did not test on github. Also, I did not benchmark local alignments (both biopython and alnSeq have this option). However, for local aligners, I expect ssw_test to be better than biopython (unless it uses ssw) or alnSeq.

Standalone benchmark

I need to make new graphs to reflect the 20231022 update

I picked out three programs to compare alnSeq to. The first is emboss, which is a more commonly used toolkit. The second is bio-alignment (bio or ssw), which had a Hirschberg. The last was the Complete-Striped-Smith-Waterman-Library (bio or ssw), which supports a vectorized, memory efficient, striped Smith Wateman alignment. This is not an exhaustive list, nor does it include the best programs. It is just a simple and quick list.

Also my figures show two different runs of alnSeq. One run is the default compile, with the Hirschberg using byte arrays and the Waterman and Needleman using two bit arrays. The other run (alnSeqFast) is make fast and has the gap opening penalty disabled, uses byte arrays, and is hardcoded to prefer insertions, then snps, then deletions when scores are equal. This is the closest you can get to have a similar comparison to bio-alignment.

Memory usage of alnSeq compared to the Waterman Smith, Needleman Wunsch, and Hirschberg aligners from bio-alignment (bio-align), emobss, and the Complete-Striped-Smith-Waterman-Library. alnSeq-scan is printing alternative bases.

As expected the memory usage was much lower for the Hirschberg aligners and striped Smith Waterman (local facet; bio_or_ssw), while the non-Hirschberg aligners for alnSeq, emboss, and bio-alginment needed large amounts of memory. For the non-Hirschberg's and striped smith waterman alignments, alnSeq needed less memory than emboss or bio-alignment. With alnSeq using two bit arrays taking the least amount of memory. When compared to bio-alignments Hirschberg, alnSeq's Hirschberg used less memory than bio-alignments Hirschberg, however, the memory usage for both Hirschbers is small and so the memory saving has no real impact.

Bio-alignment's Hirschberg used more memory when two different alignments (small-huge, mid-huge, large-huge, small-large) were aligned. From a glance at the code I suspect this was due to bio-alignment allocating memory for its returned scoring arrays at each recursion call. For highly different alignments this would result in the midpoint being closer to 1, which would result in an nearly identical returned scoring row size in the next recursion call. Since, bio-alignment is not freeing these arrays right away, it is possible that these arrays would continue to build up at each call, which results in increased memory usage. However, a local alignment should be used instead of an global alignment (Needleman/Hirschberg) in these cases.

We found that ssw had lower memory usage when aligning similar genomes and a higher memory usage when the genomes were very different. I am not sure why this is happening, but it may be due to how much of the matrix it has to construct. Despite this, ssw still uses less memory than alnSeq's Waterman alignment and so, is a better option.

Time usage of alnSeq compared to the Waterman Smith, Needleman Wunsch, and Hirschberg aligners from , emobss, and Complete-Striped-Smith-Waterman-Library.

For time usage we found that emboss, alnSeq scan, or alnSeqs two bit Hirschberg (not shown) were the slowest algorithms. The fastest programs were ssw (30x faster then alnSeq and 10x faster than alnSeqFast Waterman), followed by the Needleman and Hirschberg from alnSeq-fast, which uses a byte matrix and like bio-alignment, ignores gap opening penalties. Some of the extra time needed for Emboss could be due to its calculating both a gap opening and gap ending penalty.

Final notes

Overall alnSeq is not the best alignment program and other then the Striped Smith Waterman, it has not been compared to the more efficient programs that utilize vectors, GPUS, or multiple threads. It does ok on memory usage, but this often comes at a steep time cost.

Overall this was a good learning project that I will use in the future just because I coded it. That being said, I am glad that this is almost over.

AlnSeq does not use decimals, so if you want decimals for the gap extension penalty, so you will have to multiply all scores by 10 (maxium score is 127).


  • To my dad for being willing to listen and give advice.
  • To the people (never met) who coded baba It gave me a great visual on how the Needleman Wunsch algorithm worked. Their were many other sources, but this was the one that was the most useful to me.
  • Wikipedia's entry about the Hirschberg. It is helping me understand how the Hirschberg works
  • Bio-alignment coded a Hirsberg, which I used to help understand how the Hirsberg alignment worked.
  • To all the sights providing guidance on how aligners worked. There are to many to list, but each one I used helped me understand these algorithms a little better.


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