TCL/C extension for parsing, manipulating, and querying JSON.
package require tjson
# Parse JSON string and return a simple TCL structure
# ::tjson::json_to_simple json_string
::tjson::json_to_simple {{"a": 1, "b": true, "c": [1, 2, 3], "d": {"d1":"a", "d2":"b"}}} true
=> a 1 b 1 c {1 2 3} d {d1 a d2 b}
# Parse JSON string and return a typed TCL structure
# ::tjson::json_to_typed json_string
::tjson::json_to_typed {{"a": 1, "b": true, "c": [1, 2, 3], "d": {"d1":"a", "d2":"b"}}}
=> M {a {N 1} b {BOOL 1} c {L {{N 1} {N 2} {N 3}}} d {M {d1 {S a} d2 {S b}}}}
# Serialize a typed TCL structure to JSON.
# ::tjson::typed_to_json typed_spec
::tjson::typed_to_json {M {a {N 1} b {BOOL 1} c {L {{N 1} {N 2} {N 3}}} d {M {d1 {S a} d2 {S b}}}}}
=> {"a": 1, "b": true, "c": [1, 2, 3], "d": {"d1": "a", "d2": "b"}}
# Escape JSON string
# ::tjson::escape_json_string string
::tjson::escape_json_string "hello\"world\n"
=> hello\"world\n
The following works for Linux and MacOS. For windows, see the Windows Build Instructions.
For TCL:
# Build the TCL extension
tar -xzf v1.0.25.tar.gz
export TJSON_DIR=$(pwd)/tjson-1.0.25
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# or if TCL is not in the default path (/usr/local/lib):
# change "TCL_LIBRARY_DIR" and "TCL_INCLUDE_DIR" to the correct paths
# cmake .. -DTCL_LIBRARY_DIR=/usr/local/lib -DTCL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/local/include
cmake --build .
cmake --install .
# tclsh8.6 ../examples/example1.tcl
For NaviServer using Makefile:
make install
- ::tjson::json_to_simple json_string
- returns a simple TCL structure (e.g. list, dict, or string)
- ::tjson::json_to_typed json_string
- returns a typed TCL structure (pairs of types and values, M for object, L for list, S for string, N for number, BOOL for boolean)
- ::tjson::typed_to_json typed_spec
- returns a JSON string from a typed TCL structure (like the one returned by ::tjson::json_to_typed)
- ::tjson::parse json_string ?varname?
- returns a handle to manipulate the JSON string
- ::tjson::create typed_spec ?varname?
- returns a handle to manipulate the JSON of the typed TCL structure
- ::tjson::destroy handle
- destroys the JSON node structure for the given handle
- ::tjson::size handle
- returns the size of the JSON node structure for the given handle
- ::tjson::add_item_to_object handle key typed_spec
- adds an item to an object using the typed format
- ::tjson::replace_item_in_object handle key typed_spec
- replaces an item in an object using the given typed format
- ::tjson::delete_item_from_object handle key
- deletes an item from an object
- ::tjson::get_object_item handle key
- gets an item from an object
- ::tjson::add_item_to_array handle typed_spec
- adds an item to an array using the typed format
- ::tjson::insert_item_in_array handle index typed_spec
- inserts an item at the given 0 based index and shifts all the existing items to the right
- ::tjson::replace_item_in_array handle index typed_spec
- replaces an item at the given 0 based index
- ::tjson::delete_item_from_array handle index
- deletes an item at the given 0 based index and shifts all the existing items to the left
- ::tjson::get_array_item handle index
- gets an item at the given 0 based index
- ::tjson::get_child_items handle
- gets all the child items of an object or array
- ::tjson::get_string handle
- returns the string key of the node
- ::tjson::get_valuestring handle
- returns the string value of the node
- ::tjson::is_number handle
- returns true if node holds a number
- ::tjson::is_bool handle
- returns true if node holds a boolean value
- ::tjson::is_string handle
- returns true if node holds a string value
- ::tjson::is_null handle
- returns true if node holds a nullß
- ::tjson::to_simple handle
- returns a simple TCL structure (e.g. list, dict, or string) for the given node
- ::tjson::to_typed handle
- returns a typed TCL structure for the given node
- ::tjson::to_json handle
- returns a JSON string for the given node
- ::tjson::to_pretty_json handle
- returns a prettified JSON string for the given node
- ::tjson::query handle jsonpath
- returns a list of handles for the given JSON path expression
- ::tjson::custom_to_typed custom_spec
- returns a typed TCL structure for the given custom (triple notation / bson) spec
- ::tjson::typed_to_custom typed_spec
- returns a custom (triple notation / bson) spec from a typed TCL structure (like the one returned by ::tjson::custom_to_typed)
JSON Type | Spec Type | Example |
Object | M | {M {a {N 1} b {BOOL 1} c {L {{N 1} {N 2} {N 3}}}} |
Array | L | {L {{N 1} {N 2} {N 3}}} {L {{S "this"} {S "is"} {S "a"} {S "test"}}} |
String | S | {S a} |
Number | N | {N 1} |
Boolean | BOOL | {BOOL 1} |
JSONPath Expression | Description |
$ | The root object or array |
.property | Selects the specified property in a parent object |
['property'] | Selects the specified property in a parent object. Be sure to put single quotes around the property name. |
[n] | Selects the n-th element from an array. Indexes are 0-based. |
[start:end] | Selects array elements from the start index and up to, but not including, end index. |
[start:] | Selects array elements from the start index to the end of the array. |
[:end] | Selects array elements from the first element up to, but not including, the end index. |
[-n:] | Selects the last n elements in the array. |